Pai. stiu mai multe de groaza
The Grudge
The Grudge 2
The Grudge 3
Mariaj Intarziat
The Dead Matter
Mirrors 2
The Unborn
The Graves
SI cateva de comedie:
Norbit []
Funny People
Pa-pa :*
1.My Bloody Valentine
2.The Grudge(1, 2, 3)
3. 7eventy 5ive
4. One Missed Call
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street
6.Freddy vs. Jason
7. Mirrors
9.Halloween 2
10.The Dorm
cam astea ar fi horror
1. Orphan
2.Friday The 13th
3.Nightmare on Elm Street
4.Not Another Teen Movie
5.Scary Movie2
6.Pray For Morning
7. Boo
Comedii :
1.American Pie
2.Vampires Suck
4.Blast from the past (cel mai penal )
5. You again
6. Bun in the Oven
7. Wild Child
8. 17 again
9. The Hot Chick
10. The Notebook
Horror / Groaza:
1. SAW (1, 2, 3...)
2. Dracula
3.Scary Movie (1, 2, 3...)
4. One Mised Call
5.The Sims
6. Day of the dead
7. 28 days later
8. 28 weeks later
9. dawn of the dead
10.The hill have eyes
Sper sa iti placa Mie imi plac toate
Uita-te la The little man. E imposibil sa nu iti placa si sa nu razi la el, E comedie, o sa iti amintesti mult timp de el.
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