| 133 a întrebat:

zice. ti niste drame ...romantic-drama.la care ati plans... Funda pentru cea mai plangacioasalaughing

Răspuns Câştigător
| kevin2oo a răspuns:

If Only
The notebook
A walk to remember
10 Things I Hate about you
Remember me
Return to me
Phantom of the opera
Shakespeare in Love
The last song
P.S. I love you
There's someting about Mary
To save a life
Why Did I Get Married Too
Love at the first hiccup
My girl
A Walk in the Clouds
Going The Distance
Waiting for forever

9 răspunsuri:
| Stacy_4289 a răspuns:

Pai eu m-am uitat la o K-drama.si a fost superbahappy. Sincer am plans.Se numeste Intoarcerea lu Iljimaelove struck. sper sa iti placa

| diana_3333 a răspuns:

1st Shop of Coffee Prince, The
Coffee Prince

| MaryusCobra a răspuns:

La "Titanicul"!

| Graphee a răspuns:

Titanic. big grin

| CandyGirl_5618 a răspuns:

I walk to remember,
Remember me

| pisikutza a răspuns:

A walk to remember :X

| Anna_5252 a răspuns:

A walk to remember!

| cristina4love a răspuns:

Love story. Clasic, simplu dar profund.

| luizalu_5149 a răspuns:
