In 2014.
"Fifth film
In the fourth film the cast and crew were told by Disney not to occupy their time in the near future, as the studio intends to shoot a fifth and sixth film back-to-back.[1] On January 14, 2011, it was confirmed that Terry Rossio will write the screenplay for the fifth installment, without his co-writer Ted Elliott.[33] Johnny Depp said that he would be happy to return as Captain Jack Sparrow saying "As long as we can put all the puzzle pieces together, I would most definitely consider it". Jerry Bruckheimer said that the fifth film would be a stand-alone film. According to Terry Rossio, the script for the fifth film is finished, and he has handed the script to Disney executives.[34] Speaking at the fourth film's press launch in Cannes, Depp said he would play the role for as long as it is popular with the public.[35]
Disney has a wishlist of directors they would like to direct, as Rob Marshall has not yet accepted nor declined to direct. The list includes Tim Burton, Sam Raimi, Alfonso Cuaron, Shawn Levy, Chris Weitz, and original Pirates director Gore Verbinski. Verbinski and Burton are Disney's top choices as they have both worked with Disney and Johnny Depp on numerous occasions.[36] On July 6, 2011, Johnny Depp was reported to be close to a deal for the fifth film.[2] Due to Depp's filming of Lone Ranger (2011-12) they will not be filming the 5th installment until 2014. Orlando Bloom said he would like to return for a fifth film if he was offered.[37] In August 2012 news that Johnny Depp signed on officially for the fifth film have surfaced."
Pirates of the Caribbean 5
In October of 2011, Jerry Bruckheimer confirmed that they are working on a script.[39][40] In an interview, Kevin McNally stated that a fall 2012 production start was possible. Because of the financial success of On Stranger Tides, the film's director Rob Marshall might return for this addition to the series.
Waai mersi pentru raspunsul lung ... nu pot astepta pana in 2014 ( ooof...
Da scuze ca este putin can lung dar nu trebuie sa il citesti tot
majoritatea find inutil dar ti la dat ca sa iei o idee.
da stiu cum e
si eu astept underworld 5 care tot in 2014-2015 o sa iasa
Underworld. un film? ii fain filmu?
Da este super!
asta este primul
al 2-lea
al 3-lea care de fapt si fel arata inceputul istoriei.
si al 4-lea
sa stii ca in trailere ti se par o prostie dar daca vezi filmul o sa inebunesti:D
nu stiu daca iti plac genul asta de filme dar eu am vazut mii de filme pana acum(de toate genurile) si asta este dintre cele mai bune pe care le-am vazut.ti-l recomand cu siguranta.
si apropo mai este un film care se numeste bill kill foarte frumos dar trebuie sa vezi multe filme ca sa il intelegi pentru ca este cam greu de inteles. inceputul filmului prezinta sfarsitul la sfarsit mijlocul si la mijloc inceputul:D
daca vrei pot sa iti mai recomand filme avand in vedere ca stiu o groaza.
Cum ti sau parut trailerele?
Nu am avut timp sa intru pe computer , de aceea nu ti-am raspuns, dar pare interesant filmu poate nu chiar genul meu, dar e fain
Aham ok.
ma bucur ca iti plac.
Ador filmul piratii din caraibe. Le-am vazut pe totate 4 de pana acum. De bea astept sa-l vad si pe 5. Am auzit ca va fi lansat in 2015
As vrea sa apara mai devreme! :3
Salut! Piratii din caraibe 5 a aparut online aici :
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