Alice in Wonderland, in sfarsit glorie pentru Disney(nope inteleg dc n-au luat nicioadata sh totusi sunt number 1 in lume) funda?
Asa ba anonimilor a-ti pus-o si voi la punct ca nu ii mai tacea gura aia
Nah ca sa mori uh de ciuda ca Hannah Montana aia a ta nu valoreaza nimic pe LG marile talente precum Robert!
Hm... interesanta intrebare. Eclipse.
glumesc, bineinteles. Nu stiu... Sa vedem intai ce filme mai apar
Uite, destepta pamantului ca e si eclipse:
The year 2010 has seen many new films released worldwide, with many yet to be released. A large proportion of these films are remakes, sequels, prequels, franchise reboots, and films based on TV shows, comic books, novels and video games. These include some of the year's highest-grossing films, such as Alice in Wonderland, Toy Story 3, Shrek Forever After, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, Iron Man 2, Clash of the Titans, How to Train Your Dragon, The Last Airbender, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Robin Hood, Shutter Island, Sex and the City 2 and Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.
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