Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribbean
Harry Potter
Back to the Future
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Jurassic Park
Groundhog Day
The Wolfman
Forrest Gump
Hachiko: A Dog Story
The Pianist
The Shawshank Redemption
Lista poate continua...
Un film pe care l-am vazut recent a fost "In time"
Mi-a placut foarte mult, merita vazut.
Terminator 1, 2, 3, terminator salvation, toate filmele cu alien si predator si cele cu robocop 1, 2, 3.
johnny english si johnny english reborn
step up (1, 2,3)
never back down (1, 2)
X-Men,Spider-Man,Iron Man,Batman,The Dark Knight,Lord Of The Rings,Matrix,Incredible Hulk, Ace Ventura, Liar Liar si Yes Man.
Un nebun in africa, cat woman, amor cu fica sefului meu, intaiul nascut, stai ca trage mama, in general comediile...
Piratii din Caraibe
trilogia bourne
a knight`s tale
17 again
Am multe filme preferate, exclus cele cu Steven Seagal...Iti recomand sa vizionezi filmu In time(in caz de nu l-ai vazut)Este foarte interesant daca intelegi mesajul!
Scarface, american pie(toate), in time, suburbia 13 (sunt doua), yamakashi, 8 mile, real steel, etc
The Gurdge
Paranormal Activity
Harry Potter
Step up 3D
The Rite
Alien vs Predator ( 1, 2 )
In Time
Lord of The Rings
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