Exclus Stapanul Inelelor?
In "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" apare povestea in care Bilbo gaseste inelul.
De ce excluzi Lord of the Rings.
In Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the ring, si Lord of the Rings : Return of the King.
Parca in amandoua apare povestea.
Cum exclus?! ca numai in astea apare bilbo in primul film the hobbit(de anul` asta) vezi exact momentul in care bilbo gaseste inelul. putin si in fellowship of the rings, dar nu la fel de mult.
In stapanul Inelelor se povesteste despre Nepretuit (Inelul)
In Hobbitul se povesteste cum l-a gasit Bilbo.
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