Seriale : The Walking Dead :X
Death Valley
Filme : Quarantine (Partea 1 si 2)
28 Weeks Later
28 Days Later
Shaun of the Dead
Dawn of the Dead
Resident Evil (Toate partile)
Day of the Dead
The Cabin in the Woods
Diary of the Dead
Land of the Dead
Survival of the Dead
Si cam orice alt film ce se termina in "Dead"
Cu placere! :*
La The Walking Dead m-am uitat din 2010, de cand a inceput, in rest sunt bune mz mult.
Serial The Walking Dead
Dawn of the dead
Day of the dead
Diary of the dead
Night of the dead
28 days later
28 months later
REC 1 si 2
Shaun of the dead
DoarAlin întreabă:
Darius50boss întreabă: