| nicusor95 a întrebat:

Care imi spune si mie niste filme tari? cele mai bune fundatongue

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Răspuns Câştigător
| foxie a răspuns:

Fast and furious
final destination
the grudge
step up
the last house on the left
sacry movie
bridge wars
black knight
born to ride
the last song
dear john
love story
the unborn
the ring
big mama's haus
white chicks
american pie
Your highness
Shoot em up
i am a legend
Spy next door
The box

8 răspunsuri:
| IoanaBogdana a răspuns:

Girl, Interrupted.

| papusica987 a răspuns:

Orfelinatul, p.s i love you.
ruinele. laguna albastra, intoarcerea la laguna albastra, inchisoarea ingerilor.

| MefX a răspuns:

1. Yuri Boyka
2. Blade: Trinity
3. Walking Tall

Funda? happy

3. Praf si pulbere

Funda? puppy dog eyes

| RalucaSmile a răspuns:

Cam asta e topul meu
2If Only
3August Rush
si Horror:
1I know what you did last summer
2A NIghtmare on Elmstreet

| IzukKka a răspuns:

The Woman in Black, Charlie St. Cloud, Twilight 1, 2, 3, 4, Scream 1, 2, 3, 4, Journey 2: the mysterious Island, Hunger Games, The number 23, August Rush, Make it Happen, August Rush

| CosminW a răspuns:

Wonderworld 1
wonderworld 2
wonderworld 3
wonderworld 4(mentionez ca e cam horror, e un fel de razboi intre vampiri si varcolaci)

| rares1314 a răspuns:

Stiu eu un film super "Get Rcih or Die Tiyrn"!big grin

| LoVe98v a răspuns:

In Time, Intouchables, Tais-toi!, August Rush, Night at the museum, 21 Movie.big grin