10aranormal activity 2
9araormal activity
8:My bloody Valentine
7:The Grudge
6:Room 1408
4:Mirrors 2
3:The attic
2:Final Destination
1:The 13th Ghosts
Poate nu in ordinea asta, dar cu siguranta cele 13 fantome e pe primul loc!
1:the grage 2:mirrors 3:chuky si sotia sa 3:priest 4:the resident 5:the rite 6:meg 7:riot 8:alone 9:burn off 10:fantomas
10. The Crazies 9. Daybreakers 8. The Wolfman 7. Piranha 3D 6. The Last Exorcism 5. Let Me In 4. Paranormal Activity 2 3. Frozen 2. Buried 1. Shutter Island.