Kate and leopold, a thousand words, bruce almighty, yes man, the avengers(chiar si la asta sunt cateva replici la care poti rade), the big bang theory(serial, dar e bestial), how i met your mother(serial), friends(serial), modern family(serial), the hangover, pirates of the caribbean(numai 1, 2, 3), sherlock holmes(1 si 2; e serios, dar are si asta poante bune uneori), due date, the campaign, the 40 year-old virgin, butter, borat, the dictator(si toate filmele cu sacha baron cohen), men in black(1 si 3, 2 mai putin), rango, me myself and irene, dark shadows, ted, this means war, anchorman(2004), pretty woman, liar liar, ace ventura, hitch, seeking a friend for the end of the world, etc...
American high school
American Wedding
Road Trip
Van Wilder
The Girl Next Door
Not Another Teen Movie
Harold & Kumar
Good Luck Chuck
Scary Movie
Kad Porastem Bicu Kengur
Lajanje Na Zvezde
Bruce Almighty
Pact cu diavolita
Fiul mastii
Profesorul trasnit
sunt ffff multe, daca cauti filme comedie pura, cauta filme cu eddy marphy
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