The Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, Pretty Little Liars, Gossip Girl, Hellcats, 10 things I hate about you, Sex and the city
The Vampire Diaries
il adooor!
m-am uitat inainte la Chuck!
si la tv ma mai uitam din candin cand la CSI si Spitalul de urgenta
Dead like me, Dragoste si Pedeapsa, Joan din Arcadia, Fenomene stranii, Anne de la Green Gables...
Vampire Diaries
Death Note
Ask ve Ceza
Next Top Model
Ten Year Younger
How to look good naked
Shoppingul pasiunea mea
What's with Andy?
X men:Evolution
Cam atatea, sunt destule.
The vampire diaries, One tree hill, Gossip Girl, Robin Hood, Merlin, LOST, Naruto, Legend of the Seeker, Hellcats.
GossipGirl Charmed \ Happy tree friends\ CSI\ Buffy the vampire slayer\ Ghost Whisperer\ H2O:just add water si cred ca mai sunt si altele dar nu mi le amintesc chiar acum
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