Comedie : american pie, eurotrip, roadtrip, sex drive, 21&over, project x, 18 year old virgin, Van Wilder 1, 2, 3, Scary Movie - astea sunt foarte bune!
Groaza : Tarata in iad. Daca ai curaj sa te uiti la el. Eu de-abia m-am uitat si acum nici ca mai am curaj sa ma uit, iar daca ma gandesc putin la el, nu ma mai culc deseara! E cel mai TARE film de groaza EVER!
Horror: The Exorcist si The Shining
Comedie: The Hangover 1 (2-ul e sub asteptari) 40.Year.Old.Virgin (alta comedie pe care inca mi-o amintesc).
The benchwarmers - alta comedie buna
1.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 si 2
2.The descent 1 si 2
3.The hills have eyes 1 si 2
4. Wrong turn 1-2-3-4
5.The hills run red
6.Laid to rest
7.Saw 1-7
8. 30 days of night
9. 28 weeks later
10. Day of the dead
11.Silent Hill -partea 1 si 2
12.The midnight meat train
14.The mist
15. Legion
16.The ring
17.They wait
18.One missed call
23.Friday the 13th
24. Mirrors
25.House of wax
26.The horde
27.The ruins
28.Land of the dead
29.The chain letter
31.Diary of the dead 1-2
32.Trick`r treat
Filme comedie:
1.This is 40
2.Bride maids
3.Parental guidance
4. 21 Jump street
5.Astérix and Obélix: God Save Britannia
6.Despicable Me 1-2
7.The hangover 1-2
8.Here comes the boom
9.The bachelorette
10. Easy-A
11.Magic Mike
12.The bountry hunter
13.Meet the Morgans
14.That`s my boy
15.The grown ups
16.Friends with benefits
17.The campaign
18.Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
19.Yes man
20.You again
21.The change-up
22.No strings attached
23.The house bunny
24.Think like a man
26.Bad teacher
27.The ugly truth
28.Year one
29.The sitter
30. Your Highness
Groaza:saw,the grudge, Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines
comedie:scary movie, Click - Zapând prin viaţă, Hot Tub Time Machine
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