Stay Alive (2006),Gamer (2009),Would You Rather (2012),Mine Games (2012),The Human Race (2013),Raze (2013),Game Of Assassins (2013),13 Sins (2014),Don't Blink (2014),The Subjects (2015)
The Philosophers (2013)
1408 (2007)
The Killing Room (2009)
Unknown (2006)
Buried (2010)
Filme horor
Wrong turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 sunt cu niste psihopati cred
The cabins in the wods
Never back down 1, 2
Undisputed 2, 3
Forever strong
Transporter1, 2,3, 4
AlinDark14 întreabă:
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