Pai filme sau seriale?
Seriale: Blacklist, Suits, Limitless, Lucifer, Sherlock, Luther. Am auzit ca si Strangers Things si House of Cards sunt bune.
Filme: Seria Fast and Furious, Gods of Egypt, John Wick, Bright, Jack Reacher, Eagle Eye, Safe House, 10000 BC, Battle: Los Angeles, The Forest, Cloverfied Paradox, The Ritual, Sleepless, Beasts of no Nation, Sicario, The Mechanic 2, Priest, The Italian Job, Day Z, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Rundown, The Equalizer
Astea sunt seriale. Uită-te la dexter, Gotham, prison break, game of thrones, Banshee, Sherlock... Super interesante aceste seriale. Toate merită văzute
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