Grown ups
soacra mea e o scorpie
rapirea ( abduction)
remember me
home alone (1, 2)
The Dark Knight Rises
The Road
Resident Evil : Retribution
John Carter
Sunt niste filme destul de interesante, dar sunt sigur ca pe unele le-ai mai vazut.
Cu ce e Hachiko?
Să dai un search ar fi mai rapid.
E povestea unui câine, Hatchi, care îşi aştepta mereu stăpânul, iar după ce acesta a murit, a aşteptat fiecare tren, în fiecare zi, timp de 10 ani( sau 9 ).
Pai sunt fan filme:d pot sati recomand,, Mirrors', un thriler foarte fain...sau unul dintre cele mai faina vazute de mine,, In Time''
In time... utie traileru e chiar super:Ddesi a mvazut sute de film si mai bune
1. Edward Scissorhands 1990
2. 300 2006
3. Apocalypto 2006
4. Daredevil 2003
5. Filme vazute din septemrbrie 2008
6. Death Race 2008
7. Iron Man 2008
8. The Machine Girl 2008
9. My Super Ex-Girlfriend
10. Drillbit Taylor 2008
11. Hancock 2008
12. The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising 2007
13. Arahan
14. The Scorpion King 2 2008
15. The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 2008
16. Constantine 2005
17. Journey to the Center of the Earth 2008
18. Kung Fu Dunk 2008
19. Get Smarts Bruce and Lloyd 2008
20. Grizzly Park 2008
21. The Forbidden Kingdom 2008
22. Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle 2004
23. Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay 2008
24. Catch That Kid 2004
25. Desperado 2 : Once Upon A Time In Mexico 2003
26. High School High
27. Serenity
28. How High 2
29. Senseless
30. Terminator 1
31. Terminator 2
32. Terminator 3
33. Fast Track-No Limits 2008
34. Rush Hour 1
35. Rush Hour 2
36. Rush Hour 3
37. Wanted 2008
38. Hero Wanted 2008
39. Click 2006
40. School For Scoundrels 2006
41. The Transporter 1
42. The Transporter 2
43. The Transporter 3 2008
44. Crank 2006
45. Get Carter
46. Evolution 2001
47. My Wife is a Gangster 1
48. The Dukes Of Hazzard The Beginning 2008
49. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie
50. Pigs
51. College 2008
52. Lord of The Rings PACK
53. She's All That
54. Chronicles of Riddick Pitch Black 2000
55. The Chronicles of Riddick 2
56. Cronicile Spiderwick 2007
57. The Last Legion 2007
58. Beowulf 2007
59. The brothers Grimm
60. Bun venit in jungla 2007
61. Underclassman
62. Ghost Ship 2002
63. Stormbreaker
64. Man in Black I
65. Men in Black II
66. Shanghai Noon 2000
67. Shanghai Knights 2003
68. Triple xXx 2002
69. Spider-man 1 2002 DvDrip.RoSub-aXXo
70. Spider-man 2 2004 DvDrip.RoSub-aXXo
71. Spider-man 3 2007 DvDrip.RoSub-aXXo
72. WarGames-The Dead Code 2008
73. The Color Of Magic 2008
74. Tropic Thunder 2008
75. Pathfinder 2007
76. Underdog 2007
77. Zombie Strippers 2008
78. Zoom 2006
79. Flyboys 2006
80. Underworld 1 - 2003
81. Underworld 2 Evolution 2006
82. Zathura A Space Adventure 2005
83. Van Helsing 2004
84. The Passion of the Christ
85. Babylon AD 2008
86. Never Back Down 2008
87. The Women 2008
88. Pathology
89. Walle
90. Santa Clause 1
91. Santa Clause 2
92. Santa Clause 3
93. BEN 10 ALIEN SWARM 2009
94. Taxi 1 1998
95. Taxi 2 2000
96. Taxi 3 2003
97. Taxi 4 2007
98. The Day the Earth Stood Still 2008
99. Drive Sex 2008
100. The Librarian The Curse Of The Judas Chalice 2008
101. High school musical 3 2008
102. Twillight 2008
103. Green Street Huligans 2005
104. The Pacifier 2005
105. Wild Child 2008
106. Inkheart 2008
107. Ong Bak 2 - 2009
108. Hell Boy I 2004
109. Hell Boy II The Golden Army 2008
110. Fast and Furious 2009
111. Crank 2 2009
112. Push 2009
113. Underworld Rise of the Lycans 2009
114. Ben X 2007
115. ATL 2006
116. Outlander 2008
117. Catwomen 2004
118. Chocolate 2008
119. Sniper 2009
120. X-men Origins Wolverine 2009
121. Taarzan The Wonder Car 2004
122. 17 again 2009
123. Fired Up 2009
124. Spring Breakdown 2009
125. Night Watch 2004
126. Brief voor de Koning De 2008
127. Terminator 4 Salvation 2009
128. Yes Man 2008
129. Porky's 1 1981
130. Angels And Demons 2009
131. Transformers 2 2009
132. Race To Witch Mountain 2009
133. Bedtime Stories 2009
134. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
135. Batman Forever
136. Dolans Cadillac 2009
137. Dance Flick Unrated 2009
138. Banlieue 13 Ultimatum 2009
139. American High School 2009
140. Princess Protection Program 2009
141. Van Wilder 1 2002
142. Van Wilder 2 UNRATED
143. Van Wilder Freshman Year Unrated 2009
144. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 2009
145. Drunken Master II 1994
146. Shaolin Soccer limited edition 2001
147. My Life In Ruins 2009
The blue lagoon (the awakening)
E superb filmul!
Dar este actiune combinata cu muulta dragoste.e mai siropos dar e super povestea!
Laguna albastra! Am vazut ambele variante! Da, mi-a placut si mie!
Multumesc, La multi ani!
La multi ani!
Eu am vazut "King Kong" si mi-a placut foarte mult :X; m-am uitat si a doua zi la reluare
Sa te uiti si tu ca e interesant si fascinant
L-am vazut! Vreau sa vad ceva in seara asta!
Pai disputed 1, 2, 3 pierduti in noapte, cabana diavolului 1, 2, 3 singur acasa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 fundita?
The Vow
Jumping the Broom
Love, Wedding, Marriage
The Princess and the Marine
The Covenant
The Change-Up
The Ugly Truth
The Possession
Rise of the Planet of the Apes
King Kong
What Lies Beneath
Bad Teacher
Paranormal Activity
No Strings Attached
Rest Stop
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Just Go With It
Think Like a Man
The Lucky One
The Words
Playing For Keeps
Crazy, Stupid, Love
Life of Pi
Chasing Mavericks
Minte-ma Frumos
Queen of the Damned
Insa cele care merita cu adevarat vazute, sunt Hachiko, The Princess and the Marine, Columbiana, King Kong si The Words!
E de groaza! Nu mersi! Prefer sa rid!
Umul "total recal " mi-a placut. Si actiune si tot ce vrei!
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