Quarantine te tine tot filmul in suspans.
Ar mai fi si The Hatchet I si II dar e mai bun quarantine
-ţărâţă in iad [drag me to hell] [[e horroor si e so tare:X:X]]
-The final [2010]
-casa de ceara
-The Glass House [casa de sticla]
Http://www.megavideo.com/? v=BW0C1URH cele 13 fantome
pot sa-ti dau si alte filme nu numai de groaza
Ce intelegi tu prin filme horror?
Filme de-alea cu capete taiate care provoaca sila si nu frica?
Lumea intelege gresit ce inseamna horror.
Horror e atunci cand te sperii, nu cand iti face sila.
Friday the 13th
Hills Run Red
Saw 3D
El Orfanato
Case 39
Black Christmas
dar le poti lua de aici http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme-horror/
Horror: Orphan, House of War, Eden Lake, Drug me to the hell, Mirrors, The Descent 1, 2, The hills have eyes 1, 2, Homecoming(2009), The collector, Turistas, The convenant, Ruinas, Wrong turn 1, 2, Instanitarium
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