Uite aici un top 100 al time : +nota
1. The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 - Trilogia Nasul: 1901-1980 (1992) 8.6
2. Thor (2011) 8.6
3. The Godfather - Nașul (1972) 8.5
4. Gladiator - Gladiatorul (2000) 8.5
5. Inherit the Wind - Procesul maimutelor (1960) 8.4
6. Prison Break - Evadarea (2005) 8.3
7. La piovra (1984) 8.3
8. Forrest Gump (1994) 8.3
9. The Shawshank Redemption - Închisoarea îngerilor (1994) 8.3
10. Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009) 8.2
11. The Godfather: Part II - Nasul: Partea II (1974) 8.2
12. Schindler's List - Lista lui Schindler (1993) 8.2
13. Black Swan - Lebăda neagră (2010) 8.2
14. Fast Five - Furios şi iute în viteza a 5-a: Jaful de la Rio (2011) 8.2
15. Léon (1994) 8.1
16. Gone with the Wind - Pe aripile vantului (1939) 8.1
17. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) 8.1
18. Saving Private Ryan - Salvati soldatul Ryan (1998) 8.1
19. The Green Mile - Culoarul Mortii (1999) 8.1
20. The Godfather: Part III - Nasul: Partea III (1990) 8
21. Morometii (1988) 8
22. The King's Speech - Discursul regelui (2010) 8
23. A Beautiful Mind - O minte sclipitoare (2001) 8
24. Spartacus: Blood and Sand (2010) 8
25. Vita è bella, La - Viata e frumoasa (1997) 8
26. Braveheart - Braveheart - Inima neinfricata (1995) 8
27. Rain Man (1988) 8
28. The Illusionist - Iluzionistul (2006) 7.9
29. Dexter (2006) 7.9
30. American History X (1998) 7.9
31. The Pacific (2010) 7.9
32. Never Let Me Go (2010) 7.9
33. Mihai Viteazul (1970) 7.9
34. *** Åmål (1998) 7.9
35. El secreto de sus ojos (2009) 7.9
36. The Passion of the Christ - Patimile lui Hristos (2004) 7.9
37. Seven Samurai - Cei sapte samurai (1954) 7.8
38. Once Upon a Time in America - A fost odata in America (1984) 7.8
39. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975) 7.8
40. The Pianist - Pianistul (2002) 7.8
41. Catch Me If You Can - Prinde-ma! Daca poti! (2002) 7.8
42. Men of Honor - Barbati de onoare (2000) 7.8
43. Sherlock Holmes (2009) 7.8
44. Goodfellas - Baieti buni (1990) 7.8
45. Casino (1995) 7.8
46. WALL·E (2008) 7.8
47. Inglourious Basterds - Ticalosi fara glorie (2009) 7.8
48. First Blood - Rambo - Prima infruntare (1982) 7.8
49. It's a Wonderful Life - O viata minunata (1946) 7.8
50. Escape from Alcatraz - Evadare din Alcatraz (1979) 7.8
51. The Way Back - Drumul de intoarcere (2010) 7.8
52. Million Dollar Baby - O fata de milioane (2004) 7.7
53. Scent of a Woman - Parfum de femeie (1992) 7.7
54. Jesus of Nazareth - Iisus din Nazaret (1977) 7.7
55. Shutter Island (2010) 7.7
56. Mr. Nobody (2009) 7.7
57. The Count of Monte Cristo - Contele de Monte Cristo (2002) 7.7
58. Kramer vs. Kramer - Kramer contra Kramer (1979) 7.7
59. Scarface (1983) 7.7
60. A Streetcar Named Desire - Un tramvai numit dorinta (1951) 7.7
61. The Apartment - Apartamentul (1960) 7.7
62. Beauty and the Beast - Frumoasa si Bestia (1991) 7.7
63. Fight Club (1999) 7.7
64. M*A*S*H (1972) 7.7
65. The Magnificent Seven - Cei sapte magnifici (1960) 7.7
66. Lady and the Tramp - Doamna si Vagabondul (1955) 7.7
67. Troy - Troia (2004) 7.7
68. Bambi (1942) 7.7
69. The Bone Collector - Colectionarul de oase (1999) 7.7
70. Criminal Minds (2005) 7.7
71. Supernatural (2005) 7.7
72. The Sixth Sense - Al Saselea Simt (1999) 7.7
73. The Notebook - Jurnalul (2004) 7.7
74. Reservoir Dogs (1992) 7.7
75. MASH (1970) 7.7
76. If Only (2004) 7.7
77. The Devil's Advocate - Pact cu Diavolul (1997) 7.7
78. As Good as It Gets - Mai bine nu se poate (1997) 7.7
79. Somewhere in Time - Undeva, candva (1980) 7.7
80. 12 Angry Men (1957) 7.6
81. The Departed - Cartita (2006) 7.6
82. Roman Holiday - Vacanta la Roma (1953) 7.6
83. Philadelphia (1993) 7.6
84. American Beauty (1999) 7.6
85. Ghost - Fantoma mea iubita (1990) 7.6
86. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Strania poveste a lui Benjamin Button (2008) 7.6
87. Doctor Zhivago - Doctor Jivago (1965) 7.6
88. Alexis Zorbas - Zorba grecul (1964) 7.6
89. John Q (2002) 7.6
90. Meet Joe Black - Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) 7.6
91. Law Abiding Citizen (2009) 7.6
92. The Bourne Supremacy - Suprematia lui Bourne (2004) 7.6
93. I Am Sam - Eu sunt Sam (2001) 7.6
94. Training Day - Zi de instructie (2001) 7.6
95. The Last Samurai - Ultimul Samurai (2003) 7.6
96. Unforgiven - Necrutatorul (1992) 7.6
97. The Untouchables - Incoruptibilii (1987) 7.6
98. Apocalypto (2006) 7.6
99. Seven Years in Tibet - Sapte ani in Tibet (1997) 7.6
100. Titanic (1997)
pai sa aiba din ce alege
oricum ...ca sa imi dau cu parere hatchiko a dog story si titanic mi se par cele mai bune sincer!
Titanik :X:Xeste super drama si romance
Anotimpul Vrajitoarei(Season Of The Witch )este extraordinar filmul merita vazut
Si hotii revin acasa de Craciun!(Christmas Caper ) are si drama dar si comedie mori de ras e fain rau
Reteaua de socializare (The Social Network )ti se face putin teama
Ucenicul Vrajitor(The Sorcerer’s Apprentice)uau este fantasticil iubesc:X e si fantezie si drama si aventura si comedie.este fff complex filmul
My Own Love Song (este super filmul ca doi indragostiti care ajunge unul dn ei in scaun ca rotile. este superb :X:X:X)
Off Limits(super filmul cu niste agentii...e cam Thriller da-i frumos :X)
Bine ca i-ai dat 100 de filme si acum nu stie ce sa aleaga. Uite Abandoned 2010, The Roommate, Death race 2, Buried. Sper sa iti placa