Cred ca o sa iti placa
Grown Ups
Norbit [am auzit ca ii fain :d]
Little Fockers
She`s out of my League
Did You Hear About The Morgans?
Freaky Friday
White chicks
Baby day's out
The man
Happy Gilmore
The hot chick
Scary Movie
Bad Santa
American Pie 1-7
She's the man
The rocker
Rat race
Van waylder: frashman year
Meet the Fockers
Dirty love
Dance flick
The Rebound
Van Wilder Freshman Year
Yes Man
Spread-Playboy de L.A
The Proposal
The Hancover
Get Him to the Greek
What happens in vegas
A lot like love
Just married
Guess who?
Dude, where's my car?
My boss's daughter
The heartbreak kid
Charlie Talisman [bestial`
Raise you'r voice
A walk to remember
P.S. I love you
The Nothebook
Remember me(sfarsitul.incredibil:o)
If only
Sweet November
Titanic(nu ai cum sa te abtii sa nu plangi)
Step Up(fenomenal)
Never Let Me Go
Charlie St. Cloud(o sa iti placa sigur)
Step up
Jump in
Save the last dance
A time for dancing
Center stage
Ritmul strazii
Dancing Machine
Dance with Me
Dancer in the Dark
Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights
Dying to Dance
One Last Dance
Out of Step
Saturday Night Fever
Shall We Dance
How she move
Stomp the yard
Sorry:d Musical nu prea stiu:*
Sper ca te-am ajutat:*
Uite o lista cu comedii romantice (sa le combin)
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
When Harry Met Sally
There's Something About Mary
Meet the parents
As good as it gets
The wedding singer
The flower girl
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Iar musical:
Camp rock 1, 2
High school musical
Center stage
Cry Baby
Sunt filme foarte frumoase toate Sper sa te atraga o parte din ele. Poti sa le cauti pe internet trailerul sau recenzia. Vizionare placuta!
Depinde... daca esti indragostita si cel pe care-l iubesti e cu tine, uite-te la romantice. daca esti indiferenta muzical... daca iubesti filmele bune o comedie.