Iti dau niste filme care mie mi-au placut, si m-au emotionat mult, am si plans.
If only
Love me if you dare
Never let me go
Waiting for forever
P.S I love you
The Painted vail...
Benjamin Button
toate sunt genul romantic/drama
Love Story
A walk to remember
Dear John
If Only
Remember Me
Sweet November
City of Angels
Autumn in New York
The Painted Veil
The English Patient
The Bridges of Madison County
The Lake House
Somewhere in Time
Love Story
A walk to remember
Dear John
If Only
Remember Me
Sweet November
City of Angels
Autumn in New York
The Painted Veil
The English Patient
The Bridges of Madison County
The Lake House
Somewhere in Time
P.S I love you
The Painted vail
Benjamin Button
Hei.icearca: letters to Juliet, Dear John, Keith(asta este fantastic, am plans la el)
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