House of wax
Wrong turn 1, 2, 3
Saw - toata seria
Predators 2010
Mr. Bones 1 si 2
Scary movie 5
Final destination - toata seria
The unborn
The grudge 1, 2 si 3
Drag me to hell
The uninvited
The wolfman 2010
Seed of Chucky
Friday the 13th
House 2008
Paranormal activity 1 si 2
The exorcist
The ring
Saw [ nu stiu exact cate sunt ]
Scary movie
Scary movie 2
Scary movie 3
Scary movie 4
Freddy vs. Jason
The grudge [ toate ]
Ghost ship
I know what you did last summer
A nightmare on ELM street
Jenifer`s body
Paranormal activity
Bloody Mary ( Urban legends )
Drag me to hell [ Toate ]
Destinatie finala [ Toate]
The last house on the left
Friday the 13th
Blood and chocolate
Silent Hill
The box
The collector
The strangers
Sunt cele mai interesante pe care le stiu, poate ca imi scapa cateva, dar acum astea imi vin in minte .
Cand ai zis ca se poate si de comedie. te referi la comedii dar sa fie si de groaza? Daca da, pentru asta am scris seria Scary Movie .
Daca vrei comedii [ sa nu fie de groaza, doar de ras ] atunci te sfatuiesc sa te uiti la seria American Pie, sau
Not another teen movie
Euro trip
Easy A
It`s a boy-girl thing
Vampires Suck [E parodie, scuze daca esti fana Twilight, si eu sunt dar e amuzant filmul ]
Senior Skip Day
Freaky Friday
Mai sunt o multime, dar cred ca oricum nu te poti uita la toate odata .
Bye-Bye .
1.The Orphan
2.The Oprhanage
3. Drag Me To Hell
4.Scream 4
5.Lake Dead
6. Mirrors
7. Mirrors 2
8.I Know What You Did Last Summer
9.silent Hill
10.The Hills Have Eyes
11.The Crazies
12.Friday The 13th(toate 3)
13.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1, 2)
14.The Amityville Horror (2005!)
15.Final Destination(1, 2,3, 4)
16.Accused At 17(e mai mult crima dar e fain)
17.PROM NIGHT (o sa-ti faca placere sa te uiti, eu m-am uitat de 5 ori si nu m-am plictisit inca, super tare!)
19.Shutter Island
20.House Of Wax
21.Sorority Row
22.A Nightmare On Elm Street
23.Freddy VS Jason(uitate la 22 si la 12 ca sa le intelegi!)
24.Jennyfers Body
25.Halloween (1, 2)
27.Hide and Seek
28.The Thing
31.Let Me In
32.My Bloody Valentine
33.The Alphabet Killer
35.The Roomate
36.The Ring(1, 2)
37.One Missed Call
38.Saga Amurg(1, 2,3)
39.Toate Harry Potter
40.The Grudge (1, 2,3, 4)
The Unborn
The Ring 1 si 2
House of Bones
The Grudge 1, 2, 3(mi s-a parut cel mai tare film, si am inteles ca a aparut si 4)
One missed call 1, 2, 3
comedie: American Pie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7(dar cred ca leai vazut)
fired up
how high
road trip: beer pong
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