Astea sunt dupa adevar:the exorcist,texas in chainsaw massacre,jaws,audrey rose,the hills have eyes,the amityville horror.dar cel mai scarry e the exorcism of emily rose pentru ca e dupa adevar si exista si inregistrari cu ea in care era posedata.mai sunt si 11-11-11,the rite, mai e o emisiune fenomene stranii.FUNDA?:*
Uite un top 20 :
1 - psycho
2 - the shining
3 - sixth sense
4 - the others
5 - the other
6 - pet sematary
7 - the sentinel
8 - the omen
9 - jeepers creepers
10 - texas chainsaw massacre
11 - the hills have eyes
12 - body bags
13 - deliverance
14 - the blair witch
15 - the house by the cemetery
16 - carrie
17 - children of the corn
18 - poltergeist
19 - the exorcist
20 - IT sincer, preferatul meu e the exorcist, si IT
Carantina- prea genial pur si simplu de cand l'am vazut mi-a fost frica de toate babele) seamana mult cu REC. Sper ca te'am ajutat
LisaJulie întreabă: