Iti recomand scenetele si filmele celebrilor clasici ale genului:
- Charles Chaplin
- Stan si Bran
- Luis de Funes
- etc.
Multe le poti gasi pe Youtube si nu numai.
Rasul excesiv poate ingrasa!
American Hustle (2013),Duplex (2003),The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014),Birdman (2014),Mortdecai (2015),The Angriest Man In Brooklyn (2014),The Big Lebowski (1998) etc.
Birdman e comedie?
Recomand și eu:
-As Good As It Gets
-Annie Hall
-My Cousin Vinny
-Ieri, Oggi, Domani
-I Was A Male War Bride
- A Philadeplhia Story
- How To Steal A Million
Și cea mai bună:
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Grumpy old men (si continuarea),
Yours, Mine & Ours (2005)
Qu'est-ce cu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? (Fetele domnului Claude)
Head full of honey (drama psihologica, presarata cu MULTE momente comice)
The Sting, The Great Dictator, City Lights, Pink Panther, Dr. Strangelove.
Duck Soup, A night at the opera, Generalul, Monty Python and the Holy Graul, Life of Brian.
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