Harry Potter a fost o serie unică, cu siguranță. Câteva filme care seamană (magie și aventură) sunt The Chronicles of Narnia (seria), The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008), The Lord of the Rings (seria), Eragon (2006), The Thief Lord (2006), Stardust (2007), Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010).
Seria The Chronicles of Narnia : Cele 3 parti :
1.The Lion the Witch and the wardrobe
2.Prince Caspian
3.The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Piratii din Caraibe : Cele 4 parti :
1.The Curse Of The Black Pearl
2.Dead Man's Chest
3. At World's End
4. On stranger tides
The Spiderwick Chronicles
The Lord of the Rings : Cele 3 parti :
1.The Two Towers
2.The Return of the King
3.The Fellowship of the Ring
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Witchville - este un film aproape la fel ca The Lord of the Rings
Vizionare placuta. Sper ca te-am ajutat happy
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