The Elephant Man (1980), Hachiko: A Dog's Story (2009), Dead Poets Society (1989), Cidade de Deus (2002), The World's Fastest Indian (2006), The Ledge (2011), The Bucket List (2007), Le renard et l'enfant (2007), Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Malèna (2000), The Dreamers (2003), Bitter Moon (1992), Magnolia (1999), Gia (1998), Good Will Hunting (1997), Powder (1995), Chocolat (2000), The Green Mile (1999), The Shawshank Redemption (1994), Django Unchained (2012), Schindler's List (1993), Amour (2012), The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (2008), August Rush (2007), Fight Club (1999), Drive (2011), Léon: The Professional (1994), Gandhi (1982), Ondskan (2003), The Reader (2008), Cinderella Man (2005), Forrest Gump (1994), Agora (2009), The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011), Out of Africa (1985), In The Mood For Love (2000), My Girl (1991), Cadillac Records (2008), Pay it forward (2000), War Horse (2011), Open Road (2013), The Hurricane (1999), Melancholia (2011), Vă place Brahms? - Goodbye Again (1961), Somewhere in Time (1980), All The Invisible Children (2005), The Great Dictator (1940), Dancer In The Dark (2000), Dogville (2003), Blue Velvet (1986), Naked (1993), Amelia (2003), Les chansons d'amour (2007), An Unfinished Life (2005), The Legend of 1900 (1998), Samsara (2011)...
Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained, Becoming Jane, Atonement, Fight Club, Memento, Kingdom of Heaven, Shutter Island, The Book Thief, Captain Phillips, Snatch, Sin City, Pulp Fiction, Pan's Labyrinth, trilogia The Lord of the Rings, The Departed, Blood Diamond, The Aviator, The Dark Knight, Man on a Ledge, Donnie Darko, Inside Man.
Sunt seriale au 16-20 de episoade.Sunt romantice, comedie, mister, politiste, actiune unele sunt si putin drama
Playful kiss-
Hotel King
Dream high 1-
Doctor Stranger-
Secret(sau Secret Love) -
i hear your voice-
To the beautiful you -
Dream high 2--
I miss you-
Nice Guy-
miss ripley-
you who came from the stars(sau my love from the stars)
City hunter-
Who are You-
Phantom kdrama -
Ten kdrama -
Iris 2 kdrama -
site-uri unde le poti viziona (aici dupa ce cauti serialul si dai la episod, apesi pe al patrulea buton de sus din dreapta ca sa schimbi traducerea in romana).
Endless Love (2014),The Fault In Our Stars (2014),Remember Sunday (2013),The World's End (2013),Walk Of Shame (2014),Instructions Not Included (2013),What Maisie Knew (2012),The Book Thief (2013),Angels Crest (2011),The Counselor (2013),Disconnect (2012),The Other Woman (2014),Code 46 (2003),Prisoners (2013),Drive Hard (2014),Hello I Must Be Going (2012),Wrong Cops (2013),Behaving Badly (2014),Violet & Daisy (2011),Pawn Shop Chronicles (2013)
Horror terifiante :
Dead Silence (2007)
Evil Dead (2013)
Silent Hill (2006)
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D (2012)
Mirrors (2008)
Mirrors 2 (2010)
Fragile (2006)
Stay Alive (2006)
The Fog (2005)
The Unborn (2009)
Sl8n8 (2006)
Vanishing on 7th street
Filme horror cu adolescenti care sunt vanati de monstru/fantoma/psihopati :
Sl8n8 (2006)
Primal (2010)
Urban Legends: Bloody Mary (2005)
Into the Darkness (2013)
Wrong Turn (2003)
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End (2007)
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead (2009)
Wrong Turn 4 (2011)
Cabin Fever (2002)
Dead End (2003)
The Descent (2006)
he Descent: Part 2 (2009)
Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)
Incubus (2006)
Husk (2011)
See No Evil (2006)
House of Wax (2005)
The Cabin in the Woods (2012)
My Bloody Valentine (1981)
Urban Legend (1998)
The Faculty (1998)
Frozen (2010)
The Thing (2011)
Chain Letter (2010)
Shark Night 3D (2011)
Stay Alive (2006)
The Legend of Bloody Mary (2008)
#Selfie (2014)
Begin Again (2013)
Think Like a Man Too (2014)
Blended (2014)
Cuban Fury (2014)
A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
The Other Woman (2014)
Neighbors (2014)
Premature (2014)
Kraftidioten (2014)
Walk of Shame (2014)
A Long Way Down (2014)
About Last Night (2014)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
That Awkward Moment (2014)
As Good as It Gets (1997)
Populaire (2012)
Delivery Man (2013)
Love Building (2013)
We're the Millers (2013)
Austenland (2013)
Don Jon (2013)
The Family (2013)
Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
22 Jump Street (2014)
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)
Hercules (2014)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Divergent (2014)
Brick Mansions (2014)
Need for Speed (2014)
300: Rise of an Empire (2014)
Non-Stop (2014)
Lone Survivor (2013)
All Is Lost (2013)
3 Days to Kill (2014)
RoboCop (2014)
Ride Along (2014) - Actiune + comedie
Rush (2013) - film super tare
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Homefront (2013)
Dhoom 3 (2013)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
47 Ronin (2013)
Ender's Game (2013)
Escape Plan (2013)
Gladiator (2000)
The Family (2013) -Actiune+comedie+thriller
Riddick (2013)
Red 1 si Red2 (2013)
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Inception (2010)
The Tourist (2010)
Pacific Rim (2013)
Hummingbird (2013)
The Lone Ranger (2013)
Portretul luptătorului la tinereţe (2010)
Filme Fantastice :
Maleficent (2014)
Winter's Tale (2014)
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
Hugo (2011)
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009)
Les aventures extraordinaires d'Adèle Blanc-Sec (2010)
Event Horizon (1997)
Son of Batman (2014)
A Great and Terrible Beauty (2013)
Innocence (2013)
Circle of Iron (1978)
M (2011)
Pude ver un puma (2011)
Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams (2006)
7 Dreams for 7 Nights (2010)
Shadowland: The Legend (2010)
The Thief of Always (2010)
Pattern Recognition (2011)
Lightning in a Bottle (2012)
The Pen and the Sword
The Sorcerer and the White Snake (2011)
47 Ronin (2013)
The Lovely Bones (2009)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Hamlet (1990)
Othello (1995)
The Notebook (2004)
One Day (2011)
My Sister's Keeper (2009)
Veronica Guerin (2003)
I Am Sam (2001)
Remember Me (2010)
Ghost (1990)
Dallas Buyers Club (2013)
The Way Back (2010)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
The Great Gatsby (2013)
The Awakening (2011)
Grace of Monaco (2014)
12 Years a Slave (2013)
House Arrest (1996)
Begin Again (2013)
Third Person (2013)
The Immigrant (2013)
The Other Woman (2014)
Cocktail (2012)
The Artist (2011)
Endless Love (2014)
The Broken Circle Breakdown (2012)
About Last Night (2014)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
That Awkward Moment (2014)
La vie d'Adèle (2013)
Amour (2012)
The English Patient (1996)
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
The Reader (2008)
O vară foarte instabilă (2013)
Ek Tha Tiger (2012)
Austenland (2013)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
Shakespeare in Love (1998)
The Apartment (1960)
The Graduate (1967)
The To Do List (2013)
Leaving Las Vegas (1995)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Identity (2003)
Memento (2000)
The Green Mile (1999)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991),Red Dragon si Hannibal (2001)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
Se7en (1995)
Twin Peaks (1990)
Fight Club (1999)
The Usual Suspects (1995)
Good Will Hunting (1997)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Shutter Island (2010)
The Best Offer (2013)
Solyaris (1972)
The Prestige (2006)
Persona (1966)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
The Shining (1980)
Primal Fear (1996)
Black Swan (2010)
The Devil's Advocate (1997)
Oldboy (2003)
Source Code (2011)
The Machinist (2004)
Salinui chueok (2003)
Equilibrium (2002)
La cara oculta (2011)
El secreto de sus ojos (2009)
Trance (2013) - Capcana minţii
The Butterfly Effect (2004)
Frequency (2000)
Chugyeogja (2008)
Kokuhaku (2010)
The Jacket (2005)
Magnolia (1999)
Falling down (1993)
Cloud Atlas (2012)
Fracture (2007)
House of Sand and Fog (2003)
Wicker Park (2004)
The Bone Collector (1999)
Le locataire (1976)
Flawless (2007)
Pi (1998)
The Hunger Games, In time, Twilight(toate 5),Friends with benefits,Hachiko, Savages, The Avengers, Iron-Man(1, 2,3),Thor(1,2),Captain America(1, 2),SexTape,Blended,The Other Woman,The Internship, Crazy Stupid Love, American Pie(toate), A million ways to die in the west, Scarry movie 5... ti-as recomanda mai multe da nu imi vin in minte acum toate spor la vizionat.
Ti le spun pe cele pe care le-am vazut eu si mi-au placut:
-horror: Insidious 1 si 2, Oculus, The haunting in Connecticut, The Conjuring, Evil dead, World war Z, The Exorcist (1973), Sinister, The Purge, The Woman in Black, Silent Hill, Drag me to Hell;
-drama: cel mai mult imi place Hachiko, este o poveste adevarata a unui caine foarte emotionanta;
-dragoste: Titanic, 3 metri deasupra cerului( 1, 2), LOL, Dear John, If only, The notebook, The Vow, Endless love, A walk to remember, P.S: I love you, Sweet November, Friends with benefits, Twilight;
Ai vazut 3 Metros sobre el cielo? e super. Mai are si continuare un episod: Teno ganas de ti. L-am vazut de vreo 5 ori!
Lol (o poveste de dragoste foarte frumoasa, unde o s- intalnesti pe Miley Cyrus)
Tres metros sobre el cielo (mie mi-au dat lacrimile)
Wild Child -> copil salbatic (foarte frumos filmul, ii si o lectie de viata)
Love is all you need ->te iubesc oricum (ceva extraordinar, ce taisuri are viata)
The grudge (o sa te sperii la maxim, pentru mine ii nr 1)
Phenomena (ti-l recomand din toata inima, ii un film care pentru mine o sa-l consider cel mai frumos)
Mama (wow, atata pot spune)
Mutant girls Squant (mie mi-a placut f mult, dar poate tie n-o sa-ti placa, fiecare cu preferintele lui)
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (o sa te sperii rau)
Drag me to hell (uita-te daca n-ai facut-o!)
Return to the Blue Lagoon – Întoarcerea la laguna albastră.
The last American Virgin ->ultimul american virgin.
Mie imi plac foarte mult, mai sunt, dar nu-mi amintes, dar sper sa te uiti si sa-ti palca.
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