1. Remember Me/ Aminteste-ti De Mine (2010): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMBfTdm9ALk; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/remember-me-42847/ -Cel mai frumos film de dragoste pe care l-am vazut vreodata. Filmul acesta are de toate. Este filmul meu preferat din toate punctele de vedere. Ti-l recommand cu drag!
2. The Notebook/ Jurnalul (2004): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4M7LIcH8C9U; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-notebook-jurnalul-9242/;
3. A Walk To Remember/ O Iubire De Neuitat (2002): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3b19svqbls; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/a-walk-to-remember-o-iubire-de-neuitat-2796/;
4. LOL (2012): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4XmycID4eE; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/lol-560362/;
5. The Vow/ Juramantul (2012): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JoXHO3ceUY; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-vow-558876/;
6. The Age Of Adaline/ Secretul Lui Adaline (2015): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UzSekc0LoQ; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-age-of-adaline-567453/;
7. The Lost Valentine/ Dragostea Pierduta (2011): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzIu1-uZuvo; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-lost-valentine-577855/;
8. The Best Of Me/ Cel Mai De Pret Cadou (2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQszhfoP_WI; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-best-of-me-579617/;
9. One Day/ O Singura Zi (2011): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVuuooZqVaU; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/one-day-560652/;
10. P.S: I Love You/ P.S: Te Iubesc (2007): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZzW6_hR068; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/ps-i-love-you-ps-te-iubesc-14546/;
11. Dear John/ Dragul Meu John (2010): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0fq5dd0C60; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/dear-john-33516/;
12. The Last Song/ Ultimul Cantec (2010): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Q07mI1EUc; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-last-song-42587/;
13. We Are Your Friends/ Vibreaza Cu Mine (2015): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZzAeYWXFpk; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/we-are-your-friends-604709/;
14. Love, Rosie (2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOMTh9Jd81w; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/love-rosie-561574/;
15. 50 First Dates/ Mereu La Prima Intalnire (2004): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1SVxJZTgI4; http://www.cinemagia.ro/......ire-5320/;
-Predestination (2014): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FcK_UiVV40 -poate din trailer nu iti dai seama dar filmul este genial, merita din plin; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/predestination-591389/
-Black Swan (2010): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jaI1XOB-bs; http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/black-swan-44020/;
Am atasat trailerul si descrierea de la fiecare film. Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor! Vizionare placuta! :*
Filme care mi-au plăcut f.mult:American Pastoral (2016),Nocturnal Animals (2016),The Great & The Small (2016),I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017),Brimstone (2016),iBoy (2017),Sister (L'enfant d'en haut 2012), The 9th Life Of Louis Drax (2016),Mr. Church (2016),Ordinary World (2016),Swiss Army Man (2016),Jean-Claude Van Johnson (2016),La La Land (2016),Hell Or High Water (2016),Captain Fantastic (2016),Manchester By The Sea (2016),Paranoid Park (2007),Birth (2004),Across The Universe (2007),Sing Street (2016),The Thinning (2016),Deception (2008),The Innocents (Les innocentes 2016), Evolution (Évolution 2015), Loving (2016),The Lobster (2015),Detour (2016),The Space Between Us (2017),The Edge Of Seventeen (2016)
L-am vazut! Dar merci oricum
La La Land, Hell or High Water, Captain Fantastic, Manchester by the Sea, Arrival, Sully, Hunt for Wilderpeople, Kubo and the Two Strings, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Scarface, The Drop, Good Will Hunting, Room, Warrior, Into the Wild
Un debut curajos.Cum ai făcut, ai luat lecții de copy-paste și apoi ți-ai făcut cont pe mărețul TPU? Printre atâția alții de genul, de ce n-ai avea loc și tu.
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