The Twilight Saga toate cele 3 parti aparut sunt bestiale, nu cred ca exista adolescenta careia sa nu i placa
New Moon
Sweet november
P. S I love you
A walk to remember
Gossip Girl
Step up
Powder 1995
Another cinderella story
The Green Mile, Requiem for a Dream, A Beautiful Mind, Donnie Darko, Pay It Forward, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Butterfly Effect, The Shawshank Redemption, Awake, Reign Over Me, Yes Man(comedie), Trainspotting, Seven Pounds, Hachiko: A Dog's Story, Inception, It's all gone Pete Tong, Sweet November. Nu imi vin acum altele in minte, dar sper ca raspunsul meu ti-a fost de folos.
Pai iti spun ce mi-a placut mie
The Bucket List, August Rush, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Memoriile unei gheise, The holiday, Paris je t'aime, Ceai in doi,
It's complicated, The black knight, The reader, The Proposal...
si cele pe care ti le-a recomandat paula007 sunt super:* vizionare placuta si sper sa-ti placa
Mulholland Drive - Calea misterelor. Iti va capta atentia tot filmul si iti va pune mintea la contributie .
The ugly truth
grown ups
the expendables
ps: i love you
because i said so
27 dresses
a walk to remember
dhoom 2
Pe langa cele spuse pana acum unul care l`am vazut acum cateva zile love & basketball si o comedie am vazut-o acum 5 minute
grown ups. spor la vizionat!
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