Pana la urma avocatul ala a gasit bomba pe care Clyde ala o pusese in primarie si o ascunde in celula lui. Il astepata acolo si cand Clyde intra prin usa aia speciala pe care el o facuse in perete si palavragesc, iar la sfarsit avoctaul ii spune ca daca va apasa butonul de la telecomanda bombei va fi o decizie cu care va trebui sa traiasca tot restul vietii. Clyde apasa si avocatul ii spune:" Like I said Clyde, it's a decision you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. Which I figure right now is about 25 more seconds.". Si iese din celula inchizand usa, iar Clyde moare in explozie. Un film foarte frumos!
Meanwhile, Clyde returns to his cell and finds Nick waiting for him. Nick cautions him against activating the bomb with his mobile phone, but Clyde does so anyway. Nick seals the cell door and flees the building. Clyde suddenly realizes they have placed the bomb under his bed. The bomb detonates, killing him.
The final scene is Nick and his wife (Regina Hall), finally able to watch their daughter at her recital.
Sursa: - sectiunea "Plot"