Heii. incearca niste seriale coreene(au doar 16-20 de episoade)
Dream high 1- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNg_MzkI6lo
Playful kiss - [l-am vazut de 9 sau 10 ori si inca nu m-am plictisit de el...acest serial chiar merita vazut :X :X] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utOioF1gl7Q
you who came from the stars(sau my love from the stars) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uiAWdCv3n8
City hunter- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkEM0tupilI
Monstar- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_Fgz-5wa6A
Secret garden- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIS9OZ-10Cs
Nice Guy- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fspslSuG5g
To the beautiful you - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjKE0dSMqxM
miss ripley- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZqtlDx_dCA
i hear your voice- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEd2ERRM0Jc
Secret(sau Secret Love) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahSC5J3lzS4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMn2WRLPOQw
site-uri unde le poti viziona
http://www.viki.com/ (aici dupa ce cauti serialul si dai la episod, apesi pe al patrulea buton de sus din dreapta ca sa schimbi traducerea in romana)...
Seriale:Hemlock Grove, Bitten (2013),Helix,Believe,From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, The 100
Filme:Mea Culpa (2014),Walk Of Shame (2014),Pawn Shop Chronicles (2013),Brick Mansions (2014),Endless Love (2014),Only Lovers Left Alive (2013),Pompeii (2014),The Flowers of War (2011),The Book Thief (2013),The World's End (2013)
*City hunter
(serialul meu coreean preferat, l-am vizionat de 2 ori pana acum ) :x
*Boys over flower
( http://www.serialecoreene.com/2011/12/baieti-de-bani-gata.html )
*Secret garden
*My girfriend is a Gumiho
*Scent of a woman(Parfum de femeie)
Serialul prezinta povestea unei femei ajunsa la 30 de ani, dependenta de munca si total nemultumita de viata ei. In urma unui control de rutina afla ca sufera de o boala incurabila si ca mai are doar sase luni de viata. In aceste conditii, Lee Yeon-Jae se hotaraste sa plece intr-o calatorie cat mai lunga pentru a isi gasi fericirea inainte sa fie prea tarziu.
I am Sam
Hackicho:A dog's tale
Dangerous minds
Always only you
Bang Bang you're death
Seriale :
1.El barco-aventura, dragoste, sf, comedie(fara horror ceea ce mie mi-a placut). E vorba despre un cataclism global, vine sfarsitul lumii iar lumea este acoperita de ape. Sunt salvate 7 vapoare si toti trebuie sa gaseasca 1% pamant.E interesant, te captiveaza de la primul episod plus ca in fiecare episod se intampla ceva inexplicabil si nici nu te astepti. Iar actorii pe masura.
2. The heirs-drama, comedie dragoste.
Liceu, tineri, puteri(bani, actiuni). E frumos te captiveaza. Actorii sunt super draguti toti si interpretarea pe masura.
Mai sunt cateva care mie mi-au placut gen 49 days, nice guy.
Primul e spaniol iar celelalte coreene.
Nu stiu daca ai vazut filmele astea sau ce tip de filme preferi. Iti spun cateva filme care mie imi plac in mod deosebit:
-Source Code
-Chernobyl Diaries
-A Walk to Remember
-Life As We Know It
-Pirates of the Caribbean: On Strange Tides
-The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Ca seriale, mie mi-au placut mult: Pretty little liars, True Blood si The secret circle.
Iar filme, depinde si de genul pe care il preferi.
Romantice : A walk to remember, Titanic, Keith, Ps: I love you, If only, Remember me, Waiting for forever, The girl next door, Now is good, Ghost, The vow, Dear John, Memoirs of a geisha, The english patient, Letters to Juliet, Jeux d'enfants, The host Barefoot, Cruel Intentions (1999).
Comedie : That awkward moment, A long way down, Delivery man, Despicable me2, We're the Millers, Warm bodies, The Internship, Ted, Seven Psychopaths, The Wedding Crashers, Anger management, The Hangover I, II si III.
Actiune : Pain and Gain, Tekken, Fast and furious, The terrorist, Premium rush, Safe, Bullets, Total Recall, Wrong turn, Chained.
Horror : Insidious, The grudge, Saw, House of Wax, Evil dead, The collector, Mama, The purge, The exorcist, Drag me to hell, Underworld, Mirrors, The Exorcism of Emily Rose.
Sper ca macar o parte iti vor placea, daca nu le-ai vazut deja. Vizionare placuta!
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