The green mile,The astronaut farmer,The Mist, 10, 000 BC,Apocalypto,Avatar,Cloverfield,Contact,Deep Impact,Dreamcatcher,Independence Day,Knowing,Dreamkeeper,Pandorum,Water World,The Thing,Hachiko, District 9, The Village,
Legion,Mission to Mars,Monsters,Mutant Chronicles,Outlander,Skyline,Starship Troopers,The Happening, The Postman, Vanishing on 7th Street,Road to perdition,Next, Land of the lost, Van Helsing.
"Twilight Saga New Moon"
"Twilight Saga Eclipse"
"Remember Me"
"A Walk To Remember"
"The Messengers"
"Monte Carlo"
"Wather For Elephants"
"How To Be"
"Harry Potter"
"The Last Song"
"Dirty Dancing"
Seria Twilight: Dramă, Fantastic, Romantic, Thriller
Seria X-men: Acţiune, SF, Thriller
Seria Piratii din Caraibe: Acţiune, Aventuri, Comedie, Fantastic
Red Riding Hood (2011) : Dramă, Thriller
Sucker Punch: Acţiune, Fantastic, Thriller
The Proposal: Comedie, Romantic
The Ugly Truth:Comedie, Romantic
Letters to Juliet: Comedie, Romantic
Pretty Little Liars ( serial ) : Drama, Mister, Thriller
astea sunt preferatele mele
poate, pe langa ale lui LON3R, te intereseaza si astea
Sincer...pai cred ca lovely complex filmul e foarte tare (bine doar daca te-a placut si anime-ul) si ceva mai intrig cred ca teroare in paris sper sa iti placa
The vampire diaries... dupa parerea mea este cel mai frumos serial pe care l-am vazut vreodata.
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