Knight and day(cum zice tika recomand si eu^^)/i now pronunce you chuck and larry/zombieland/killers/american pie series/scary movie series/police academy series/the pacifier/big mommas house series/singura casa (cam de caca dar e ok)/rush hour all/the drunken master(sau ceva de genu cauti tu pe google)/shanghai noon/the west (ceva de genu joaca john smith ala din im the legend il gasesti pe ((titlul bun)) )/couples retreat/futurama series (este animat dar buuun)/50 first dates/click/the mexican (nu e chiar comedie pura dar merge)/the other guyz/the green hornet si cam atat mai stiam dar sunt chiaun in momentul acesta^^
Knight.And.Day.----------------->mie una imi place foarte tare...e super...til recomand si tia
Other Guys
Chuck Season 3
Back Up Plan
Killers Un Cuplu Mortal
Rush Hour
The Big Bang Theory
Hung S.1
Cam atat sper sa-ti placa!
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