Un înger pe nume Levine (The Angel Levine), 1970
Pantofiorii roșii (The Red Shoes), 1948
Trandafirul roşu din Cairo (The Purple Rose of Cairo), 1985
Iubita locotenentului francez (The French Lieutenant's Woman), 1981
Spirite nelinistite (Restless Spirits), 1999
Splendoare în iarbă (Splendor in the Grass), 1961
Locuri in inimă (Places in the Heart), 1984
Drumul spre Avonlea (TV Series 1990–1996)
Vorbe de alint (Terms of Endearment), 1983
Culoarea purpurie (The Color Purple), 1985
Alte filme de familie, mai "recente":
Love’s Everlasting Courage (2011)
Aventurile lui Felicity (SUA film de familie, 2005)
Dragostea învinge totul (Love's Enduring Promise),
O viata noua (Love Comes Softly), 2003
Barbatul in costum galben (Tuck Everlasting), 2002 Lungul drum al dragostei ( Love’s Long Journey), 2005
Drumul speranţei (Love Finds a Home), 2009
Love Begins, 2011
Caminul regasit al iubirii (Love finds a home), 2009
Cărările iubirii (Loves Unfolding Dream), 2007
Invaluiti in iubire (Loves Abiding Joy)
Alegerea lui Christy (Christy: Choices of the heart), 2001
Intoarcerea la Cutter Gap (Christy: return to cutter gap), 2001
Zile de neuitat (An Old Fashioned Thanksgiving ), 2008
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