Passengers (2011)
47 Ronin (2010)
Henry's Crime (2010)
Stompanato (2010) - Johnny Stompanato
The Private Lives of Pippa Lee / Vieţile secrete ale Pippei Lee (2009) - Chris Nadeau Trailer
Street Kings / Stăpânii străzilor (2008) - Tom Ludlow Trailer
The day the Earth stood still / Ziua in care Pamantul se opri (2008) - Klaatu Trailer
A Scanner Darkly / Viziuni intunecate (2006) - Fred / Bob Arctor Trailer
The Great Warming / Criza incalzirii globale (2006) - Narator
The Lake House / Casa de lângă lac (2006) - Alex Burnham Trailer
Constantine / Constantin (2005) - John Constantine Trailer
Ellie Parker (2005) - Dogstar Trailer
Thumbsucker / Cu degetu-n gura (2005) - Perry Lyman
Kid's Story (2003) - Neo
Something's Gotta Give / Ceva, ceva tot o ieşi (2003) - Julian Trailer
The Animatrix - The Final Flight of the Osiris / Animatrix - Ultimul zbor al lui Osiris (2003) - Neo (segment "Kid's Story") Trailer
The Matrix Reloaded / Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Neo Trailer
The Matrix Revolutions / Matrix - Revoluţii (2003) - Neo Trailer
Hard Ball / Provocarea (2001) - Conor O'Neill
Sweet November / Idilă de noiembrie (2001) - Nelson Moss Trailer
The Gift / Prezicere fatala (2000) - Donnie Barksdale
The Replacements / Rezervele (2000) - Shane Falco Trailer
The Watcher / Asasinul din vis (2000) - David Allen Griffin Trailer
Making 'The Matrix' (1999) - el insusi
Me and Will (1999) - Dogstar/Himself
The Matrix / Matrix (1999) - Neo Trailer
The Devil's Advocate / Pact cu Diavolul (1997) - Kevin Lomax Trailer
The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997) - Harry
Chain Reaction / Reacţie în lanţ (1996) - Eddie Kasalivich
Feeling Minnesota / Dragoste furată (1996) - Jjaks Clayton
A Walk in the Clouds / Atât de aproape de cer (1995) - Paul Sutton Trailer
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) - Johnny Mnemonic Trailer
Speed / Speed: Cursa infernală (1994) - Jack Traven
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues / Femeile adevărate nu plâng niciodată (1993) - Julian Gitche Trailer
Freaked (1993) - Ortiz the Dog Boy
Much Ado About Nothing / Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993) - Don John Trailer
Piccolo Buddha / Micul Buddha (1993) - Siddhartha
Bram Stoker's Dracula / Dracula (1992) - Jonathan Harker Trailer
Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey / Pseudo-călătoria lui Bill şi Ted (1991) - Ted Logan / Evil Ted
Captivated '92: The Video Collection (1991) - Jeff (segment "Rush, Rush")
My Own Private Idaho / Dragoste şi moarte în Idaho (1991) - Scott Favor Trailer
Point Break / La limita extrema (1991) - Johnny Utah
Providence (1991) - Eric
I Love You to Death / Te iubesc pana la moarte (1990) - Marlon James
Tune in Tomorrow... / Matusa Julia (1990) - Martin Loader
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure / Tropaind prin istorie (1989) - Ted Logan
Life Under Water (1989) - Kip
Parenthood / Numai tată să nu fii! (1989) - Tod
Dangerous Liaisons / Legături periculoase (1988) - Cavalerul Danceny Trailer
Permanent Record (1988) - Chris Townsend
The Night Before / O noapte ciudata (1988) - Winston Connelly
The Prince of Pennsylvania / Printul din Pennsylvania (1988) - Rupert Marshetta
"The Tracey Ullman Show" (1987) - Jesse Walker (1 episode, 1989)
Act of Vengeance (1986) - Buddy Martin
Babes in Toyland / Ţara Jucăriilor (1986) - Jack / Jack-be-Nimble
Flying / Campioana (1986) - Tommy
River's Edge / Baietii de pe malul raului (1986) - Matt
The Brotherhood of Justice / Frăţia (1986) - Derek
Under the Influence (1986) - Eddie Talbot
Young Again (1986) - Michael Riley, Age 17
Youngblood (1986) - Heaver
Letting Go (1985) - Stereo Teen #1
One Step Away (1985) - Ron Petrie
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