Daca vezi un film cu JIM CARREY o sa razi multtttt timp iti recomand Liar Liar, ME Myself And Irene si Ace Ventura(ambele parti)
Iti recomand un link, care contine filme de comedie noi - si-ti alegi tu, care consideri / doresti -, poftim: http://www.cinemarx.ro/filme-comedie-noi/
Bafta. (sunt multe acolo, si-s ok.)
What's Your Number?
Friends with Benefits
The Hangover Part 1, 2
Bad Teacher
Your Highness
A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas
The girl next door
The Bounty Hunter
The Hangover 1, 2. Sorocul...Tower Heist. Grown Ups. Si se continua lista...(doar ca nu imi vin filmele in cap )
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