No Strings Attached, Just Go With It, The Adjustment Bureau, The Three Musketeers, Red Riding Hood, Melancholia, Jane Eyre, Beastly, Last Night, Midnight in Paris; Crazy, Stupid, Love, Something Borrowed, The Art of Getting By.
Filme de dragoste REusite din 2011 nu prea sunt... dar iti pot sugera cateva mai vechiute care pe mine m-au impresionat
The lake house
Love story
The notebook
the other end of the line
a walk to remember
cam astea imi vin in minte acum.
Ar mai fi to drama foarte frumoasa am plansssss tot filmul
the 5th quarter un film superb!
Salut priveshte filmul ''3 metros sobre el cielo 2010'' e pur si simplu cel mai bun o sati placa 100%