Starred Up (2013), Escape Plan (2013), Bronson (2008), Animal 2 (2008), Out of the Furnace (2013), The Condemned (2007), Starred Up (2013), The Way Back (2010), Shutter Island (2010), Cell 213 (2010), Celda 211 (2009), Seria Undisputed (2002/2006/2010/2015), Felon(2008), The Pacific (serial, 2010), The Escapist (2002), Doing Hard Time (2004), Undisputed III: Redemption (2010), Animal Factory (2000), Half Past Dead 2 (2007), Law Abiding Citizen (2009), The Hurricane (1999), Ring of Death (2008), In Hell (2003), Death Warrant, Arena of the Street Fighter (2012), Honor (2006), Blood And Bone (2009), Cușca morții/Locked Down (2010), Scorpion (2007)
Ia da-mi unul care ti-a placut cel mai mult. Chiar vreau sa vad azi unul fiind mai liber si sarbatoare mare.
Starred Up (2013) și Out of the Furnace (2013). E foarte fain și The Condemned (2007). Toate-s interesante, dacă îți place genul. Mie mi-au plăcut întotdeauna filmele cu închisori, evadări..., excepție făcând cele cu lupte în ring. Dar băieților, astea le plac. : ))
Uite, un film care m-a impresionat mult:
Spoiler/ Evadare imposibilă
Dar e mai mult psihologic, SF...
Filme cu închisoare:On The Inside (2009),The Experiment (2010),The Green Mile (1999),Animal Factory (2000),How I Spent My Summer Vacation (Get The Gringo 2012), Jailbait (2013), K-11 (2012),Offender (2012),Escape Plan (2013),Death Race (seria), The Shawshank Redemption (1994),Death Warrant (1990),Half Past Dead 1 și 2 (2002/2007),Carandiru (2003),Celda 211 (2009),Starred Up (2013),No Escape (1994),Escape From New York (1981),Blackhat (2015)
Seriale; Prison Break, Rectify, Breakout Kings, Oz, Alcatraz
Nu prea mai sunt filme gen Undisputed . Uite cateva cu bataie, dar nu in inchisori :
Tapped Out
Never back down 1, 2
Blood and Bone
Si cam atat stiu. Sper sa-ti placa filmele. Vizionare placuta!
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