Horror: Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption
Hostel: Part I,Hostel: Part II, Hostel: Part III, Little Deaths, The Hunters, Absentia si mai sunt filme horror la care m-am uitat eu si mi-au placut
Filme comedie: Happy Feet Two; Puss in Boots; Crazy, Stupid, Love; Friends with Benefits; Bad Teacher; I Don't Know How She Does It; Your Highness
Film Comedie si Horror: Fright Night
mirrors 1, 2
the woman in black
the ring 1, 2
drag me to hell
Comedii : Just go with it, The hot chick, The hangover ( 1 si 2), The animal, Yes men.
Iti zic unul singur, dar care se incadreaza in ambele categorii:Romania de dupa 1989.
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