Paranormal activity(toate partile in afara de patru care inca nu a aparut)
REC(doar unu si doi)
El orfanto
Silent hill
The Messengers
The Tunnel
Blair witch project(doar prima parte)
The Others
Ju-on( The Grudge in varianta americana)
Ringu( originalul variantei americane The Ring)
The omen(originalul)
The Exorcist(originalul)
The Haunting in Connecticut
The Awakening
The Woman in black
Room 1408
The Uninvited
The Strangers
Dead Birds
Tale of two sisters
The Ward
The Hills Have Eyes
The Strangers
The Ruins
(The)Last House on the Left
Grave encounters
The Innkeepers
Dead Birds
The Unborn
The Amytiville Horror
The Descent(doar prima parte)
I spit on your grave(asta este mai slasher deci sunt scene explicite)
Exorcizarea lui emily rose, the ring ( 1 si 2 ), the grudge(toate), final destination ( toate ), Constantine, omul negru 1 sper sa te sperie
Acesta pare a fi un film destul de inficosator eu am privit 5 minute din el si dupa ceea ma temeam si de umbra mea,, The Possession"
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