Nu raspund in niciun caz pentru funda doar vreaus a te ajut fiindca si eu am pus intrebare asta la un moment dat
1. Wrong Turn
2.Black Christmas
3.Phone Book
4.Rise(evadare din mort)
5. When a strange calls
6.Case 39
7.House of Wax
8. A nightmare on elm street(ff tare l-am vazut adineauri)
9.Chain Letter
10. I know what you did last summer
11.Jenniger's Body
12. Tamara
13. One Missed Call
14. Mirrors
15.They Wait
16. Uninvaited
17.The Eye
18.The House on the left
19.The Messengers 1, 2
20.The Grudge
21.The Unborn
22.Friday the 13
23.The Crazies
24.Paranormal Activity
25. 13 hours in a warehouse
26.silent hill
27. Pulse
29. 30 days of night:dark days
30.the ghost writer
31.The house of the devil
32.Halloween 1, 2
33. Drag me to hell
34.The Calling
35. Gothika
36.The Omen
37.Room 6
38.The Dark
39. Letter from hell
40.Into the mirror
41.The Darkroom
42.The Body
43.House of 1000 corpses
45.The Gravedancers
Sper ca ti-am fost de ajutor pa-pa.
1. orphan
2.the shutter
3.the orphanage
4.the collector
5.ghost month
6. i'm a legend
7.true bloods
8.the others
9.the eye
10.the exorcism of emily rose
11. exorcistul
12.bloody mary 1408
14.the girl next door
15. mirrors
16.resident evil
17.saw[1 2 3 4 5 si 6 ]
18.infern de ziua indragostitilor
19.the children
20.the jacket
21.mum and dad destination
23.from hell
24. drag me to hell
25. a nightmare on elm street
26.the ring
27.the messengers
29.friday 13th
31.jennyfer's body
32.papusa chucky
33. ultima casa pe stanga
34. one missed call
35.paranormal activity
36.prom night
37.the collector
38.the haunting in connecticut
39.silent hill
40.the grudge
40. ju-on
vizionare placuta!
Mai putin horror: Never cry worewolf
Unul la care nu m-am putut uita pana la sfarsit deoarece muream de frica: After.Life
1. Haute Tension
2. The Exorcist
3. Cabin Fever
4. House of Wax
5. The Fly
6. 1408
7. One Missed Call
8. The Grudge
9. Dead Silence
10. Scream
Astea dupa parerea mea sunt cele mai bune
Sper ca ti-am fost de folos funda
The Exorcist, Chucky si The Grudge sunt cele mai bune filme horror.
Dar mai sunt si altele ca:
- Insane
- May
- Seriile SAW
- The Last Exorcism
- Coborare intunecata
- The Children
- Trenul Groazei
- Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon
- The House of the Devil
- Fiul lui Chucky
- Alone in the Dark
- Mirrors 2
- Negura
- The Eyes
- The Ring[la asta nu am putut dormi 2 nopti`.]
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