She's the man
the ugly truth
grown ups-genialmerita vazut
the change-up:X:X
it's a boy girl thing
the wedding planner
how to lose a guy in 10 days
10 things i hate about you
crazy, stupid, love
easy a
the new guy
sex drive
van wilder
american pie toate
scary movie-toate(..cauta-l pe 5)
a cinderella story, another cinderella story, a cinderella story:once upon a song
monte carlo
wild child
wild cherry
the perfect man
just my luck
the parent trap
john tucker must die(il ador pe jesse metcalfe:X)
the princess diaries 1 si 2
not another teen movie
the girl next door
the spy next door
white chicks
bride wars
the hangover 1 si 2:X:X
just go with it:X
little fockers
the bounty hunter
one for money:X:X:X
yes man
liar liar-superb!
failure to launch
my best friend's girl
what's your number?
daddy day care
home alone-toate:X
this means war:X:X
bad teacher
life as we know it
the proposal-genial
21 & Over
Project X
Sex Drive
Road Trip
Freaky Friday
Youth In Revolt
She's The Man
Easy A
17 Again
Here Comes The Boom
Euro Trip
She's the Man
Gossip Girl
Easy A
10 Things I Hate About You
What a Girl Wants
Sydney White
Mean Girls
Mean Girls 2
Pretty Little Liars
She's All That
A Walk to Remember
Boys and Girls
Freaky Friday
Wild Cherry
16 Wishes
Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars
Another Cinderella Story
Bring It On: Fight to the Finish
Bring It On: All or Nothing
Wild child.
Teen Spirit.
Triple dog.
Sydney White.
Bring it on.
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