Sincer cele mai bune filme pe care le-am vazut in ultima vreme sunt The Dictator, si Project X merita amandoua sincer!
Ce ai zice de:The Football Factory 2004, subiectul filmului se invirte tot in jurul fotbalului.E foarte bun filmul.
[funda ?]
1. Soacra mea e o scorpie
2. The Hangeover
3. What happens in Vegas
4. Mr. Bean
5. Ice Age 1
6. Ice Age 2
7. Ice Age 3
8. Madagascar 1
9. Madagascar 2
10. The proposal
11. Miss agent secret 1
12. Miss agent secret 2
13. Nu-i de nasul meu
14. Razboiul mireselor
15. Marlwy and me
16. Home alone 1
17. Home alone 2
18. Home alone 3
19. Home alone 4
20. American pie 1
21. American pie 2
22. American pie 3
23. American pie 4
24. American pie 5
25. Sex and the city 1
26. Sex and the city 2
27. Blonda de la drept 1
28. Blonda de la drept 2
29. Because I said so
30. 17 again
31. 13 going on 30
32. 27 dresses
33. 40 days and 40 nights
34. 50 firsts dates
35. Mine yours and ours
36. All about Steve
37. All I want for Christmas
38. Alvin and the chipmunks 1
39. Alvin and the chipmunks 2
40. Baby mama
41. Bad boy
42. The game plan
43. Big mama`s house 1
44. Big mama`s house 2
45. Big troubel
46. Big Stan
47. Blasts from pasts
48. Date night
49. Desert day
50. Familly reuniunion
51. Father and sister`s.
1.Papusa ChucHi-1, 2,3, 4
2.Masacrul din Texas
3.Halloween 1,2
4.One missing call
5.Haute tension
6.The exorcist
7.Cabin Fever
8.House of wax
9.The fly
10. 1408
11.The grudge-1, 2,3
12.Dead silince
16.True blood
17.The Vampire Diares
19.The X files
20.I am legend
21.Twind peacks
22.The others
25.Final Destination
26.The birds
27. Orphan
29.The mummy
30. Mirrors
31.Hannibal rising
32.The children
33. Dracula
34. Wind chill
35.The wolfman
38.The fourth kid
40.Blood tiels
Sherlock Holmes,
Ninja Asasin,
Circul ororilor: Asistentul vampirului,
Ticăloşi fără glorie,
G. I. Joe: Ascensiunea Cobrei,
Cei patru fantastici 3,
GeorgeH21 întreabă: