Saw 3d (VII) se mai numeste si The Final Chapter si era anuntat ca fiind ultimul, insa am gasit un articolas care spune ca va aparea si Saw VIII la sfarsitul acestui an sau la inceputul anului 2014. Nu e sigur, vom trai si vom vedea.
"The movie for which everyone has been waiting for 3 years is finally going to be released. +Lionsgate which is the production and distribution +Company for entire SAW series has officially announced the release of the eight part of the +Saw franchise. Although it was previously claimed that Saw 7 would be the last part of the saw franchise but the producer has clearly denied this statement. Saw 8 is currently in production and will be release by the end of this year or in early 2014. The +Director claims that this part would be the most surprising for the +Viewers as there are many unexpected twists in the +film. The release date has not been decided yet."
Sper sa apara, dar sa fie mai bun ca ultimele parti
se vorbeste mult ca o sa apara 8, dar nu se stiu prea multe pana acum