Aici ai toate filmele lui! Succes! FUNDA?
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) (in productie)... President Snow
Jappeloup (2013) (in productie)...
The Best Offer (2013) (in productie)... Billy
Living Loaded (?) (in productie)... Grant
Sofia - Assassin's Bullet (2012)... Ambassador Ashdown
Dawn Rider (2012)... Pop
The Hunger Games - Jocurile foamei (2012)... President Snow
Treasure Island (2012)... Flint
Horrible Bosses - Sefi de cosmar (2011)... Jack Pellit
The Eagle - Acvila legiunii a IX-a (2011)... Uncle Aquila
The Mechanic - Mecanicul (2011)... Harry McKenna
Jock (2011)... Narrator/Sir Percy Fitzpatrick (voce)
My Life As an Experiment (2011)... Sam Bobkin
Man on the Train (2011)... The Professor
The Pillars of the Earth (2010)... Bartholomew
The Con Artist (2010)... Kranski
This Side of the Looking Glass (2010)...
Moby Dick (Serial TV) (2010)... Father Mapple
Astro Boy (2009)... President Stone (voce)
For Love of Liberty: The Story of America's Black Patriots (2009)... (voce)
The Eastmans (2009)... Dr. Charles Eastman
Fool's Gold - Aurul nebunilor (2008)... Nigel Honeycutt
Stonehenge: Decoded (2008)... Narrator
Puffball (2007)... Lars
L'âge des ténèbres (2007)... Award Show Presenter
Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia (2007)... Narrator (voce)
Reign Over Me (2007)... Judge Raines
Sleepwalkers (2007)... Businessman struck by a taxi
Trumbo (2007)... Propriul rol
Dirty Sexy Money (Serial TV) (2007)... Patrick 'Tripp' Darling III
Beerfest (2006)... Johann von Wolfhaus
Land of the Blind - Taramul orbilor (2006)... Thorne
Armed and Deadly: The Making of 'The Dirty Dozen' (2006)... Propriul rol
Ask the Dust - Intreaba praful (2006)... Hellfrick
An American Haunting (2005)... John Bell
Pride & Prejudice - Mandrie si prejudecata (2005)... Mr. Bennet
Human Trafficking (2005)... Customs Agent Bill Meehan
Commander in Chief (Serial TV) (2005)... Nathan Templeton
Lord of War - Traficantul de Arme (2005)... Colonel Oliver Southern (voce)
Aurora Borealis (2005)... Ronald Shorter
American Gun (2005)... Carl Wilk
Fierce People (2005)... Ogden C. Osborne
Frankenstein (2004)... Captain Walton
'Salem's Lot (2004)... Richard Straker
The Life and Times of Arthur Erickson (2004)... Propriul rol
Piazza delle cinque lune (2003)... Rosario Sarracino
Cold Mountain (2003)... Reverend Monroe
The Italian Job - Jaf in stil italian (2003)... John Bridger
Baltic Storm - Furtuna baltica (2003)... Lou Aldryn
Fellini: Je suis un grand menteur (2002)... Propriul rol / Casanova
Path to War - In vreme de razboi (2002)... Clark Clifford
The Magic of Fellini (2002)... Propriul rol
Uprising - Revolta la Varsovia (2001)... Adam Czerniakow
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within - Final Fantasy: Spiritele ascunse (2001)... Dr. Sid (voce)
The Big Heist - Marele jaf (2001)... Jimmy Burke
Big Shot's Funeral (2001)... Tyler
Breaking Down the Walls: The Road to Recreating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (2001)... Propriul rol
Queen Victoria's Empire (Serial TV) (2001)... Narrator
The Art of War - Arta razboiului (2000)... Douglas Thomas
Space Cowboys (2000)... Jerry O'Neill
Panic - Atac de panica (2000)... Michael
Threads of Hope (2000)... Narrator
Enlisted: The Story of 'M*A*S*H' (2000)... Propriul rol - 'Hawkeye'
The Making of 'Space Cowboys' (2000)...
The Hunley (1999)... Gen. Pierre G.T. Beauregard
Instinct (1999)... Ben Hillard
Behind the Mask - In spatele mastii (1999)... Dr. Bob Shushan
Virus (1999)... Captain Robert Everton
Virus: Ghost in the Machine (1999)... Propriul rol
Free Money - Bani de-a gata (1998)... Judge Rolf Rausenberger
Without Limits - Competitia vietii (1998)... Bill Bowerman
Fallen - Demonii printre noi (1998)... Lt. Stanton
The Assignment - Misiunea (1997)... Jack Shaw/Henry Fields
Shadow Conspiracy - Conspiratie politica (1997)... Jacob Conrad
Natural Enemy (1997)... Ted Robards
A Time to Kill - Vremea Razbunarii (1996)... Lucien Wilbanks
Hollow Point - Lupta cu moartea (1996)... Garrett Lawton
Roger Moore: A Matter of Class (1995)... Propriul rol
Outbreak - Alerta (1995)... General Donald McClintock
Citizen X (1995)... Col. Mikhail Fetisov
Disclosure - Hartuire sexuala (1994)... Bob Garvin
The Puppet Masters - Papusarii (1994)... Andrew Nivens
Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All - Povestea unei vaduve (1994)... Capt. William Marsden
Punch (1994)... Craman
The War of the Worlds: Great Books (1994)... Narrator
The Lifeforce Experiment (1994)... Dr. 'MAC' MacLean
Six Degrees of Separation - Sase diferente fundamentale (1993)... Flan
Benefit of the Doubt (1993)... Frank
Red Hot (1993)... Kirov
Younger and Younger - O afacere de familie (1993)... Jonathan Younger
Great Books (Serial TV) (1993)... Narrator
Fleuve aux grandes eaux, Le (1993)... Narrator
Shadow of the Wolf (1992)... Henderson
The Railway Station Man (1992)... Roger Hawthorne
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)... Merrick
Quicksand: No Escape (1992)... Murdoch
The Poky Little Puppy's First Christmas (1992)... Narrator
The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power (1992)...
Rakuyô (1992)... John Williams
JFK (1991)... X
Backdraft - Focul ucigas (1991)... Ronald Bartel
Eminent Domain (1991)... Josef Borski
Long Road Home (1991)...
People of the Forest: The Chimps of Gombe (1991)... Narrator
Cerro Torre: Schrei aus Stein (1991)... Ivan
Buster's Bedroom (1991)... O'Connor
Bethune: The Making of a Hero (1990)... Dr. Norman Bethune
The Simpsons (Serial TV) (1989)... Hollis Hurlbut
A Dry White Season (1989)... Ben du Toit
Lock Up (1989)... Warden Drumgoole
Lost Angels (1989)... Dr. Charles Loftis
Apprentice to Murder - Vrajitorie si crima (1988)... John Reese
The Trouble with Spies (1987)... Appleton Porter
The Rosary Murders (1987)... Father Robert Koesler
Give Me Your Answer True (1987)... Propriul rol
Kate Bush: The Whole Story (1986)... Papa
Oviri (1986)... Paul Gauguin
Revolution - Revolutia (1985)... Sgt. Maj. Peasy
Heaven Help Us (1985)... Brother Thadeus
Crackers - Farsa sinistra (1984)... Weslake
Ordeal by Innocence (1984)... Dr. Arthur Calgary
The Winter of Our Discontent (1983)... Ethan Hawley
Max Dugan Returns (1983)... Brian Costello
Eye of the Needle - Spionul (1981)... Faber
Gas (1981)... Nick the Noz
A War Story (1981)... Narrator of the diary (voce)
Threshold (1981)... Dr. Thomas Vrain
Ordinary People - Oameni obisnuiti (1980)... Calvin Jarrett
Nothing Personal (1980)... Roger Keller
North China Commune (1980)... Narrator
Wuxing People's Commune (1980)... Narrator (voce)
North China Factory (1980)... Narrator (voce)
Bear Island (1979)... Frank Lansing
Murder by Decree (1979)... Robert Lees
The First Great Train Robbery - Marele jaf al trenului (1979)... Agar
A Man, a Woman and a Bank (1979)... Reese Halperin
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Invazia jefuitorilor de trupuri (1978)... Matthew Bennell
Animal House - Peripetii la colegiu (1978)... Dave Jennings
Liens de sang, Les (1978)... Steve Carella
The Kentucky Fried Movie (1977)... The Clumsy Waiter (segment "That's Armageddon")
The Disappearance (1977)... Jay Mallory
Bethune (1977)... Dr. Norman Bethune
Novecento - 1900 (1976)... Attila Mellanchini
The Eagle Has Landed - Vulturul a aterizat (1976)... Liam Devlin
Casanova di Federico Fellini, Il (1976)... Giacomo Casanova
Spirale, La (1976)... Narrator on English Release (voce)
Bertolucci secondo il cinema (1975)...
Richter unde sein Henker, Der (1975)... Corpse of Lt. Robert Schmied
The Day of the Locust - Vechiul Hollywood (1975)... Homer Simpson
S*P*Y*S (1974)... Bruland
The Shadow Catcher (1974)... Edward S. Curtis
Alien Thunder (1974)... Sgt. Dan Candy
Lady Ice (1973)... Andy Hammon
Don't Look Now (1973)... John Baxter
Steelyard Blues (1973)... Jesse Veldini
FTA (1972)... Propriul rol
Norman Corwin Presents (Serial TV) (1972)...
Johnny Got His Gun (1971)... Christ
Klute (1971)... John Klute
Little Murders - Micile crime (1971)... Rev. Dupas
Klute in New York: A Background for Suspense (1971)... Propriul rol
Act of the Heart (1970)... Father Michael Ferrier
Kelly's Heroes - Eroii lui Kelly (1970)... Sgt. Oddball
MASH (1970)... Hawkeye Pierce
Start the Revolution Without Me (1970)... Charles/Pierre
Alex in Wonderland (1970)... Alex Morrison
The Sunshine Patriot (1968)... Benedeck
Joanna (1968)... Lord Peter Sanderson
The Split (1968)... Dave Negli
The Name of the Game (Serial TV) (1968)... Jerry Trevor
The Champions (Serial TV) (1968)... David Crayley
Interlude (1968)... Lawrence
Sebastian (1968)... Ackerman
Oedipus the King (1967)... Chorus Leader
Man in a Suitcase (Serial TV) (1967)... Earle / Willard
Billion Dollar Brain (1967)... Scientist at Computer
The Dirty Dozen - Duzina de ticalosi (1967)... Vernon Pinkley
Operation Dirty Dozen (1967)... Propriul rol
A Farewell to Arms (1966)... Sim
Court Martial (Serial TV) (1966)... Corporal Brown
Play of the Month: Lee Oswald Assassin (1966)... Charles Givens
Promise Her Anything (1965)... Autograph Seeking Father
Fanatic - Die! Die! My darling (1965)... Joseph
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors (1965)... Dr. Bob Carroll (segment 5 "Vampire")
Play of the Month (Serial TV) (1965)... Charles Givens
The American Civil War (1965)... Propriul rol
The Bedford Incident (1965)... Hospitalman Nerney - Sick Bay
Gideon's Way (Serial TV) (1965)... Philip Guest
Hamlet (1964)... Fortinbras, Prince of Norway
Castello dei morti vivi, Il (1964)... Sgt. Paul/The witch/The old man
Theatre 625 (Serial TV) (1964)... Priest / Union Captain
Terry-Thomas (1963)...
The Sentimental Agent (Serial TV) (1963)... Hotel Clerk
The World Ten Times Over (1963)... Tall Man in Nightclub
The Saint (Serial TV) (1962)... John Wood / McCleery
Studio Four (Serial TV) (1962)... Switchboard Operator
The Odd Man (Serial TV) (1962)... Mitch Scott
Man of the World (Serial TV) (1962)... Unhelpful neighbour
Suspense (Serial TV) (1962)... Dr. Hal Seaton
The Avengers (Serial TV) (1961)... Jessel
ITV Play of the Week (Serial TV) (1955)... Canadian / Intern
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