| never_5650 a întrebat:

Cum se numeste melodia din Lord of the Rings din scena cand Gandalf se intoarce in sat cu trasura si este intampinat de Frodo?

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1 răspuns:
| biZoo a răspuns:

vezi aici care e buna
arwen's song (the return of the king see)
drinking song 2
eowyn's dirge (the two towers)
flight to the ford
for eorlingas
gollum's song
hobbit drinking song book version
in dreams
into the west
may it be
merry pippin drinking song
pippin's song
the black rider
the breaking of the fellowship
the bridge of khazad dum
the council of elrond feat aniron
the end of all things
the prophecy
the return of the king
the steward of gondor
twilight and shadow