Uite cateva filme horror care mi-au placut foarte mult si ti le recomand :
The conjuring
Insidious (1, 2 si va aparea si 3 )
Astea 2 sunt asemanatoare.
The ring
The grudge (1, 2 si 3)
Dramele nu prea imi plac, dar am vazut cateva :
Winter's Tale
Si cateva filme cu adolescenti :
A walk to remember
The fault in our stars
Filme horror cu adolescenți:Wrong Turn (seria), The Cabin In The Woods (2012),Inbred (2011),Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013),The Wicked (2013),The Quiet Ones (2014),Oculus (2013),Friday The 13th (2009),Cabin Fever 1 și 2 (2002/2009),Haunted (Dark House 2014), The Ruins (2008),Wolf Creek 1 și 2 (2005/2013),Haunt (2013),Catacombs (2007),Beneath The Darkness (2011),Jeepers Creepers (seria), The Demented (2013),Abandoned Mine (2013),All The Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006),Leprechaun: Origins (2014),Animal (2014),Scarecrow (2013),Husk (2011),Truth Or Die (Dare 2012), Grave Halloween (2013)
Alte filme cu adolescenți:Twelve (2012),Love Me (2012),The Kings Of Summer (2013),The Bling Ring (2013),As Cool As I Am (2013),How I Live Now (2013),Struck By Lightning (2012),Disconnect (2012),Alpha Dog (2006),Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist (2008),White Bird In A Blizzard (2014)
You're welcome.
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