We need to talk about Kevin
I´m not there
Donnie Darko
Wristcutters: A love story
Girl, interrupted
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
American History X
V for Vendetta
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind
Le Dernier Jour
La belle personne
The Basketball Diaries
Christiane F.
E un film foarte impresionant, pentru cine il intelege.
Now Is Good
Never Let Me Go
The Last Song
If Only
A Walk To Remember
Sweet November
Forrest Gump
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World
Source Code
Lord of the ring are de toate. mi-a placut enorm trilogia. nu ma plictisesc niciodata. mereu cand am liber sambata seara, comand o pizza si ma uit.
1.The Shawshank Redemption
3.Fight Club
4.V for Vendetta
5.My Sister's Keeper
6.The Fourth Kind
7.The Devil's Double
8.Inglourious Basterds
9.The Prestige
1o.Shutter Island
Hachiko: A Dog's Story,Dolphin Tale,The Impossible,My Sister's Keeper,The Book of Eli,Man on Fire, Black Swan, Letters to God, Soul Surfer, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, 127 Hours,The notebook, The Vow, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Pursuit of Happyness, A Walk to Remember, Pay it forward etc.
Vizionare placuta!
Un film care m-a impresionat ar fi "Now it's good". Are o poveste adevarata, sau cel putin inspirata din fapte reale.Mesajul filmului este de retinut pentru toate varstele. Daca nu l-ai vazut ti-l recomand. Dupa ce-l vezi vei vedea adolescentii din alta perspectiva. La mine asa a fost.
Hachiko,Life of Pi, Paulie, Ma dau in vant dupa cumparaturi, Universitatea monstrilor, Matilda, Baby; sunt superbe
1. Trilogia LotR ( nu-s ineptă, ştiu că-s 3, dar le pun ca unul );
2. Hannibal ( toată seria, de la Silence of the Lambs la Hannibal Rising );
3. The Shawshank Redemption;
4. Schindler's List;
5. Fight Club;
6. Martyrs;
7. Black Swan;
8. A Serbian Film;
9. Requiem for a dream;
10. Hachiko: A Dog's Story.
Filmele de dragoste cum ar fi: Dear John, Dirty dancing (mai vechi, dar frumos), A walk to remember, The notebook (sau Jurnalul), Legendele toamnei.
Filme inspirate din fapte reale: Hachiko: A dog's story, Catch me if you can, Ali, Remember the Titans, Schindler's List (Lista lui Schindler, superb film daca iti plac chestiile legate de nazisti, evrei), Braveheart, Jodhaa Akbar (indian, dar frumos), Radio (Foarte bun filmu').
Comedie: Ace Ventura, American pie, Liar, liar, Dumnezeu pentru o zi, Yes man, Little man, White chicks, Big Momma's House 1, 2 si 3, Norbit, Deuce Bigalow.
Alte filme care m-au impresionat mult au fost: Forest Gump, Memories of a geisha (facut dupa carte), Interview with the vampire.
Poate multe dintre ele le-ai vazut, dar sper sa te fi ajutat putin.
Slumdog milionaire, Taken, Tres metros sobre il cielo ( Trei metri deasupra cerului), Remember me, Now is good, A walk to remember, Mister Nobody. Toate sunt superbe, merita sa le vezi!
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