Întrebare recomandată | Mirela123yz a întrebat:

Filme de comedie bune?

14 răspunsuri:
| anonim_4396 a răspuns:

"Uita-te in oglinda".


| Mihailescu_Valeriu_1953 a răspuns:

Un flm ceva mai vechi : Petrecerea

| onneshhott a răspuns:

American Made
The Cobler
Once Upon a Time in Venice
Going in Style
Fist Fight
The Wolf of Wall Street
Hang Out ( trei filme )
Bad Boys ( 2 filme )
R.I.P.D (copoi pentru strigoi)
Now You See Me ( 2 parti )
Cam atat ca m-am plictisit toate sunt vazute de mine sunt super unele sunt 2017 au si comedie si actiune ( nu toate ) si fantezie.
Daca mai vrei filme lasa-mi un mesaj.
P.S Le gasesti pe toate subtitrate.

| TheRealFantasy a răspuns:

Borat:Cultural learnings of America for make benefit of glorious nation of
21 Jump Street
22 Jump Street
The Naked Gun
Dracula: Dead and loving it (Un mort iubaret) sau orice alt film cu Leslie Nielsen
Grown Ups
The Dictator
Amelie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain)
Shaun of the dead
The hangover / Marea mahmureala
The Pink Panther sau orice cu Steve Martin
Meet the spartans (2008), parodie de la filmul 300 cu spartanii
Dumb and dumber
Dumb and dumber To (2)
A christmas carol
A series of unfortunate events
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Liar liar
Bruce Almighty
The wolf of wall street

| deeyou12 a răspuns:

Preferatul meu este Norbit l-am vazut de 7 ori si nu m-am plictisit sau Kung Fu la gramada

| faramatania a răspuns:

American Ultra (2015),Mike And Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016),Dope (2015),Ted 1,2 (2012/2015),Sisters (2015),Blue Mountain State: The Rise Of Thadland (2016),Spy (2015),Swiss Army Man (2016),Jean-Claude Van Johnson (2016),Sundown (2016),War Dogs (2016),Why Him? (2016),The Young Offenders (2016),All Nighter (2017), I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017),The Nice Guys (2016),Redirected (2014),Sisters (2015),Keeping Up With The Joneses (2016),Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016),Nine Lives (2016),Masterminds (2016),Fist Fight (2017)

| conny444555 a răspuns:

Cei trei natarai! Cauta si uita-te e cel mai bun! Doar uita-te!

| Ionica_Ionica_1999 a răspuns:

Cei trei natarai, Singur acasa 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 big grinD
Stiu ca nu e Craciunul, dar Singur acasa este un film foarte amuzant happy

| Marian_Andrey_1973 a răspuns:

Iti spune taticu, dumnezeu pentru o zi, mincinosul mincisnosilor, o familie de cosmar si sunt unele din exemple mai sunt o gramada

| Ioanaaaandrei23 a răspuns:

The dictator

| Szolosi_Sergiu_1993 a răspuns:

Little Man'

| Harlab_Liana_1998 a răspuns:

Miss Agent Secret, Te mariti cu mine?, O politista irezistibila, Surori bune si nebune, O noapte de pomina, etc

| NOname a răspuns:

Mockumentary "Carnage: Swallowing the Past" (2017) by Simon Amstell.

| Al1n4 a răspuns:

American Made
The Cobler
Coana mare
Once Upon a Time in Venice
Going in Style
Fist Fight
The Wolf of Wall Street
Hang Out ( trei filme )
Bad Boys ( 2 filme )
R.I.P.D (copoi pentru strigoi)
Now You See Me ( 2 parti )
Doua pupeze albe

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