Autorii cărților ecranizate ți i-am scris în paranteză.
Edge of Tomorrow, 2014 (novel by Hiroshi Sakurazaka), Guardians of the Galaxy, 2014 (novel by James Gunn), Divergent, 2014 (novel by Veronica Roth), Interstellar, 2014 (Kip Thorne), The Giver, 2014 (Lois Lowry), The Giver Quartet (Lois Lowry), Mockingjay/The Hunger Games, 2014 (novel by Suzanne Collins), Solaris, 2002 (novel by Stanislaw Lem), Hobbitul (novel by J.R.R. Tolkien), Jocul lui Ender 2013, (novel by Orson Scott Car), Blade Runner, 1982 (novel by Phillip K. Dick), Minority Report, 2002 (novel by Phillip K. Dick), Total Recall, 2012 (novel by Phillip K. Dick), A Scanner Darkly, 2006 (novel by Phillip K. Dick)
Filme după cărți:The Hunger Games (seria/2012/2013/2014),The Giver (2014),Divergent (2014),Insurgent (30 03 2015), The Hobbit (seria/2012/2013/2014),Blindness (2008),Never Let Me Go (2010),The Host (2013),John Carter (2012),Harry Potter (seria), etc...
Adaug aici si clasicele
Dune (1984, regia David Lynch)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, regia Stanley Kubrick)
Calatorie spre centrul pamantului, lord of the rings, the hobbit, the maze, hunger games,
Fahrenheit 451 e o carte foarte buna. Filmul lasa de dorit (este si foarte vechi), dar am vazut ca apare în 2015 o noua ecranizare.
xGabriella întreabă:
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