Green Room (2015),Phoenix Forgotten (2017),Pyewacket (2018),The Eyes Of My Mother (2016),Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral (2017 + și celelalte din serie), A Quiet Place (2018),It Follows (2014),The Ritual (2017),El bar (2017),The Killing Of A Sacred Deer (2017),Scare Campaign (2016),The Bad Batch (2016),Look Away (2018),1922 (2017),Lights Out (2016),Strangers: Prey At Night (2018 + The Strangers (2008), Thir 13en Ghosts (2001),Rose Red (2002, Ich seh ich seh (2014),Omnívoros (2013),The Canal (2014),Altar (2014),Martyrs (2008),You're Next (2011),Case 39 (2009),June (2015),Open Grave (2013),Antiviral (2012),1408 (2007),No Tell Motel (2012),Isolados (2014),The Unborn (2009),Black Christmas (2006),etc.
Horror bune rau, m-ai rupt, Caragiale uber ales
insa in orice caz, cauta "filme horror japoneze", dau clasa la restul lumii, cum ar fi: The Grudge, seria Ringu, dupa care a fost facuta seria The Ring de americani, Battle Royale (dupa care a fost facuta seria jocurile foamei) etc.
sper sa nu vii plangand ca au fost PREA DE GROAZA :D
O sa iti spun eu niste filme horror faine rau: dead silence, orphan, shutter, the nun, number 23, evil dead, the boy, drag me to heal, devil, boogey man, camera 1408, o sa iti placa cu siguranta.
Le-am vazut pe toate enumerate de tine
Asemanator caut si eu, dar nu conteaza genu. Doar sa ma scoata din starea de( nu as spune depresie ci " offf really W.T.F ")
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