The uninvited
Mirrors(toate seriile)
Saw(toate seriile)
One missed call
Paranormal activity 1 si 2
The final
The ruins
The crazies
The abandoned
Dead clowns
House of wax
Silent hill
The unborn
Room 1408
The walking dead
The exorcism of Emily Rose
The last exorcism
A nightmare on Elm street
Dawn of the dead
The grudge(toate seriile)
The reef
House of bones
28 weeks later
28 days later
The book
The book of blood
Drag me to hell
Le-am vazut pe toate si sunt extraordinareSper ca te-am ajutat. Daca imi mai aduc aminte ceva, iti scriu
Vizionare placuta
Dark Water, fie versiunea japoneză, net superioară, Honogurai mizu no soko kara, fie remake-ul american, Shutter, The Grudge(Ju-on), El espinazo del diablo(The Devil’s Backbone), Thir13en Ghosts, Apartment 1303, Yeogo goedam(High School Girl's Ghost Story sau Whispering Corridors), Yeogo goedam 3-Yeowoo gyedan(Wishing Stairs), Gin Gwai(The Eye), Session 9, Ringu(The Ring), Lake Mungo, Ryeong(Dead Friend sau The Ghost), Shibuya kaidan 2(The Locker 2), Zhai bian(The Heirloom), Paranormal Activity, Sakebi(Retribution), Dead Silence, Stir of Echoes, Kairo(Pulse), House on Haunted Hill, White Noise, The Orphanage, The Haunting in Connecticut, Ghost of Mae Nak, Darkness Falls, Rose Red, Death's Door, The Tattooist
Buna :D
Daca vrei sa vezi filme horror poti alege unul de aici: http://www.tpu.ro/......dau-vot-d/
Sau poti sa citesti pe un site povesti de groaza:http://www.spectrulrealitatii.ro/
Sper ca te-am ajutat!
Bafta :*
A nightmare on Elm street
One missed call
the last exorcism
The exorcism of Emily Rose
Resident Evil
Open House
Don't look up
THE UNBORN. Am spus un singur film...pe mine ma bantuie si dupa cateva saptamani de la vizionare!
in engleza "orphanage"
este in spaniola. cu spirite. da-mi funda :X
Drag me to hell, blair witch, dawn of the dead, paranormal activity, mirrors, the grudge
Mie mi se pare bestial mirrors 2 adica vam vzt raspunsurile si wow chiar am luat cateva filme si brv super taree mie chiar daca mi-e frica imi plc sa ma uit
Eu le-am vazut Paranormal activity 1 si 2 sunt beton Room 1408 e tare si The crazies mai mult te tine in suspans
Pai parerea mea daca vrei sa vei un film misto de groaza iti recoman the grudge 1, 2, 3 si the grudge old lady in white sau the boo, mirrors sau the ring 1 si 2 sau halloween toate seriile