| JeSuisElle a întrebat:

Filme horror gen The uninvited stiti?

6 răspunsuri:
| վፀiፀፀ a răspuns:

The eye
The strange caller
The women in black
The grudge ( 1, 2, 3)
Mirrors ( 1, 2 )
Bloody Mary
Jenifers body
House at the End of the Street
The Last House on the Left
Dream house
Sillent hill
Silent house
House of wax

Sper sa-ti placa :*

| BeibbG a răspuns:

Ti-l recomand pe Insidious, dupa parerea mea a fost foarte bun, apoi ar mai fi Alone 2007, la fel de bun. Vizionare placuta! :*

| FadetoBlack a răspuns:

House of The End Of A Street chiar se aseamănă cu The Uninvited.

| faramatania a răspuns:

The Pact
Silent House
House At The End Of The Street
The Cabin In The Woods
The Woman In Black

| SuicideSilence a răspuns:

House at the End of the Street

| AndreeeexD a răspuns:

The Grudge ar fi ceva film horror. Sau Alone 2007

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